After about an hour or so of comfortable silence I final spoke up.

"Jet, how old am I?"

He chuckled. "As of today, you are 11."

I nodded and we lapsed back into silence. We kept walking through the desert, but there were no signs of dracs.

"Where are all the Draculoids? I wanna see some action!" I said after a little while.

"We don't always see dracs when we're on patrol. And that's a good thing. Most of the time we run into other Killjoys, but other than that it's usually nothi-" he stopped suddenly.

"Jet?" I asked but he shushed me. He crouched low, and I did the same. He pointed forward and I saw it; a BL/Ind car.

"You said you wanted some action," Jet whispered. "Here it is."

There were 5 dracs surrounding the car, probably looking for stray killjoys. I held up my ray gun, Jet doing the same. I took a deep breath, trying to keep my hand steady. Taking aim, I pulled the trigger.

The lazer hit the closest drac square in the head, killing him instantly. It dropped to the ground followed by another, alerting the remaining 3 of our presence. They took shelter behind the car.

Jet managed to shoot one through the window. "Shoot the engine before they call backup!" He yelled and started shooting the front of the car. I joined in and a couple of shots later there was a huge explosion. Jet ducked down, pulling me with him.

"We should head back," he said, standing up. "They could've called back up."

"That was awesome! I hit one, and the car exploded, and it was sososososo cool!"

Jet smiled and ruffled me hair. "You did great Chemical. But really, we should head back."

With that we turned and began the long walk back.


"Yes sweetie?"

"Why are the others you guys are training bigger than me?"

He didn't answer right away, and I almost though he didn't hear me. As I opened my mouth to say it again he answered.

"The other guys didn't want to train you. You're too young, but I saw something in you. I didn't want the UA to change you. And, yea, the other trainees will make good killjoys. But you, you're going to be great- I can feel it."

He stopped walking and knelt down to my height. "You are special, Chemical Candy. You're going to do great thi-"

Jet was cut off by a lazer wizzing past his head. We turned to see three cars of dracs speeding our way. "Reinforcements," he said sourly. "Too many to take care of. Run!"

We sprinted in the opposite direction, dodging lasers. Jet pulled out his radio and was telling the others of our situation.

Soon I could see the diner where we were staying for the time being. Party, Kobra, and Ghoul were outside now, shooting down the dracs behind us.

We were at least 200 feet away from the diner when I felt something hit my back. I tripped forward, almost blacking out from the pain in my back.

I fought to keep my eyes open. I heard a voice I immediately knew was Party.

"Chemical!" He exclaimed before dropping to his knees and rolling me onto my side. I yelled out in pain as he tried to lay me on my back. "Hold on sweetie, it'll be ok, you'll be okay."

"Party, get her inside!" Kobra yelled from somewhere behind me. "We'll take care of the dracs!"

I felt Party lift me up gently and he started sprinting towards the diner. I felt my eyes slip shut and I blacked out before we got inside.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2015 ⏰

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