Chapter 2 - Wanting For More

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Zed's POV:

As soon as we got to Zombietown Cafe, the aliens sat down at our table while the rest of us ordered. Addison, Bree, and Wynter got strawberry milshakes, Willa, Wyatt, Eliza and Bonzo got chocolate milkshakes, and we ordered the aliens and I simple vanilla milkshakes. What can I say? I like vanilla. And this is the aliens' first milkshake, so I wanted to try a classic flavor on them. When we brought the milkshakes over, I saw A-Lan with the same expression as before. Something has to be up. And I wouldn't blame him. I mean, the aliens are still trying to learn emotions. "Zed, could I ask you a question?", he asked me. I wonder what this is about.  

A-Lan's POV:

We soon decided to have a break at the Zombietown 'cafe' I believe is what it's called. I still can't believe that we have found our new home. And now, our lives have been better than they have been from our previous planet. But while I'm grateful for our new home and with learning these new emotions, there's this emotion that I haven't been able to decipher. It comes up whenever I see A-Spen with Willa or when I see Zed with Addison. But when I see them, while it makes me happy, it also makes me feel like I'm sort of just, left out. If anything, it almost makes me feel kind of...lonely. But how would I feel lonely if I have my friends around me? Maybe talking to Zed could help me. "Zed, could I ask you a question?", I asked as we sat at our table while the others were bringing drinks. I believe that they were called 'milkshakes' or something like that? "Sure thing, A-Lan. What's going on?", Zed asked me. "I have been feeling this emotion whenever I see you with Addison or A-Spen with Willa or even Wyatt with Eliza. It feels like a part of me is missing and almost like I want what you all have. Do you know what it is?" Zed's eyes widened with realization. "I know what it is. You're feeling envious. Like you're being left out of something. And that something is a relationship." Envious? So that's the emotion? I mean, it has been making me feel rather off lately. "What is a relationship?", I ask. "Well, a relationship is when you're together with someone you really care about or someone you love. Like, you're in each other's lives romantically." "But how does one get into a relationship?" "Well, has anyone caught your attention?", Zed asks. I thought about it but nothing came to mind. I guess I've still been so focused on what competition could be like that I haven't really tried to learn what some of the other emotions would feel like."Not that I can think of." "Don't worry, man. I'm sure you'll find the right girl for you. Even out of the most unlikely places.", Zed reassured me. I sure do hope you're right, Zed. I sure do hope you're right.Soon, A-Li started to freak out by holding her head. "Ow! My head! It feels like its aching in pain. Is that what this drink does?", she asked. "We did warn you to drink it more slowly. You just have a brain freeze. It'll go away after a while. But that's why you don't drink it fast.", Addison said, chuckling a little. "Ok. But it just tasted so good! I wasn't sure how to drink it slowly.", she defended herself. "Trust me, that happens with me all the time. And I mean all the time.", Wynter said, making us all laugh a bit. "Hey, you know what? I heard that the weather tomorrow is supposed to be pretty great. Why don't we all have a beach day?", Bree suggested. "That a great idea, Bree!", Addison said. "Pardon me, but what is a beach day?", A-Spen asked. "It's a day where you can have a lot of fun at the beach. You could play in the water or in the sand, play volleyball, do so many amazing things.", Willa explained, holding A-spen's hand. Soon enough the feeling comes back. Envious, I think what Zed called it. "That sounds intriguing. And like fun.", I said, trying to brush away the feeling, even though I couldn't. "Ok, so tomorrow at the beach at 3pm?", Wynter suggested. "Sure thing. Well, we better start heading back to our homes. That way we can rest up for tomorrow.", Zed said. As everyone agreed and started to head back to their homes, I began to think about what Zed had said to me. Maybe I could find someone. But the question that remains is, how will I know if they're the right one?

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