chapter 13 | missing 2/2

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I arrived at Darryl's house almost instantly. The driveway had one police car and two cops speaking to who I assume is Darryls mother, the lady is sobbing while a young boy stayed next to her side. I step closer and closer to the door, I wanna know if his family is okay.

"Uh sir- please leave." One of the cop turns to me, "I-I'm Darryl's best friend!" I exclaim. Darryls mother turns to me with a confused look "Darryl doesn't have any friends."

"Please, I can prove it! I have photos." I try to inform them. "Mhm? Show me." The other cop demands. I pull out my phone almost rapidly and quickly typed in my passcode, I scrolled through my photos to find a clear selfie of me and Darryl. "Here." I say, flipping my screen in front of the cops and Darryls mother faces. "Oh? When was this." The cops both ask in sync. "A couple of days ago, it was my birthday and he came."  I truthfully reply.

"That little fucker.." I her his mother mumble under her breath "Excuse me?" I finish "Are you talking about me?"

"No no not at all it's just that.. uhm, never mind!" His mother panicked, both of the cops gave each other exchanging confused looks. "Okay sorry Mrs Novescosch, we will try out best to bring Darryl home safely, we will update you when we get more clues." One of the cops say. Darryls mother replies with a nod. The cops leaving the porch shortly after.

It's a silent conversation until the cops drive off. "Has Darryl told you?" Her mother says in a weirdly stern voice. "Pardon, Told me about what?" I answer. His mother sighs and take a breath "About- you know, not leaving the house.?" "I'm aware of it happening but I'm not sure why-" "Great! well you can go home now." She now has a shit eating grin on her face. "Oh? Bye I guess." I wave, feeling disappointed at the such short introduction.

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