chapter 3 | muffinhead

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Darryl POV
I hummed to the rhythm to the music playing through my Walkman, I continued to sketch my comics. All of a sudden the bell rang, it was just me and my father home. My mother and my brothers had to go to a doctors appointment. "DARRYL CAN YOU GET THE DOOR!" My father yells from the bathroom, "OKAY." I shout back. I took off my headphones and ran downstairs.

As soon as I opened the door I saw the same boy from the Ahmed bakery, he was holding out some flyers for his family's new bakery. "H- Oh you must be Darryl?" He speaks, "Uhm.. yes I am! My family owns the bakery patch actually." I introduce myself, fudge why was my face getting hot?

"Nice to meet you Darryl I'm Zak, can we.. talk for a bit?" He smiles, I look at the stairs behind me, making sure my father wasn't secretly listening to our conversation. I look back at him and bite my lip, but I'm not supposed to talk to him? Whatever, my father won't know. "Yeah sure." I lean against the door, slightly slipping off. I stood back up and chuckled awkwardly.

"Your house is really.. odd." He says, odd? What does this guy think he is to make fun of my house?! "Odd? Excuse me." I say in a sturn voice. "Yeah- it's different from the other houses here.." he looks around him, "That was really rude you muffinhead." I cross my arms. "Muffin top?!" He repeats my words, "Yeah?" I respond. He starts to laugh "You can just say fuckhead." He rolls his eyes. "LANGUAGE!" I yell, I didn't mean to say it, I guess it just slipped out.

"Do you not swear Novescosch?" The chocolate eyed boy clicks his tongue. "Yeah I don't, do you have problem with that Ahmed?" I reply back, "Goody good shoes? Mommy's boy?" He sticks his tongue out in a joking matter. I scoff, I was about to respond before I heard my father walking downstairs. Panicking I try to think of a quick answer, "Bye!" I whisper shouted at him, before closing the door on him.

"Who was that?" My father raises his eyebrow at me, "Just the Ahmed's son trying to give out some flyers." I answer. "Did you take any?" He inquiries, "No I didn't father." I look at my slippers. "That's my boy." He praises, patting my silky brown hair softly. My heart felt content, he's never said this to me before.

"How about we get some ice cream eh?" He smiles. What is this a dream? He's never spoke to me like this before. "Yeah yeah sure!" I exclaim, I haven't had ice cream in years.

455 words

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