/Scene Break/

"You can't destroy me Dumbledore" Voldemort taunted as he shot a stream of fire from his wand.

Dumbledore blocked it with a giant piece of ice.

"No I can't Tom, but I can tire you out" Dumbledore said as he fired silver spears out of his wand.

"Potter is no match against me, even if you do succeed" Voldemort said arrogantly as he created a silver shield that had the Slytherin emblem on it to block the spears.

"We shall see Tom, we shall see" Dumbledore said.

Voldemort hissed and fired off another hex and Dumbledore twirled out of the way. Showing that he may look quite old, but he still could move quickly.

"Admit defeat Dumbledore. I'm far superior" Voldemort said as he fired off several dark curses in a row.

Dumbledore blocked them all, but knew he was tiring. He wasn't as strong as he once was. The Patronus he did early didn't help any either. Unlike Harry and the others who regained most of their magic after a short rest he needed more given his age. And both he and Tom knew that. He just needed to buy as much time in hopes to have weaken Tom enough so Harry can finish the job.

/Scene Break/

Meanwhile the battle was going on neither side had the advantage. Susan had a broken leg, but refused to leave her friends, so Hannah, who saw her friend in pain, rushed over from her group and healed her. Susan thanked her than went back to fighting with Hannah going back to her group to help out. Luna had scratches on her face from flying shrapnel, but otherwise doing fine. Neville was leading the charge for the DA and kept pushing the Death Eaters back.

The Order was now straggling since they had restricted numbers and had to count on the students to do the bulk of the fighting. They did provide support for them, as did the professors and aurors there.

The Death Eaters were amazed how their opposition was faring. They thought this would be a walk in the park and would have time to torture blood traitors and Mudbloods. But no, they were fighting for their lives. Most Death Eaters had no real experience when their victims fought back. They relied on scare tactics mostly and most couldn't throw up a decent shield up. While most used Unforgivables, which took a lot of magic to use and drained them considerable.

/Scene Break/

Dumbledore and Voldemort fought on both using every spell in their arsenal as they tried to outdo the other. It was an amazing sight if there had been an audience. But most were focused on their own battles to see the spectacular battle going on near them.

"Just admit defeat old man, you're finished" Voldemort sneered as he fired off a dark curse.

Dumbledore was very tired and was unable to put up a shield in time, but was save by a conjured piece of furniture.

"Potter" Voldemort hissed.

"Hey Tommy, I thought you forgot all about me" Harry said cheerfully.

Hermione sighed at her boyfriend's cheerfulness at this time.

"I've not forgotten about you Potter. And what's this, ah the Mudblood whom you love. I'm going to enjoy her very soon" Voldemort said with a sneer.

Harry's eyes harden, "you'll not touch her Tom."

Voldemort fired of a Cruciatus at Hermione, but she dodged it and fired off a hex of her own. Voldemort easily blocked it.

"Pathetic" he sneered.

"Really Tom, you must've taught Snape that sneer since he did the same" Harry taunted and fired off a Reducto.

Voldemort flicked the spell aside and focused on Harry.

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