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Harry's summer was the best summer he's ever had. For one, he wasn't at the Dursleys, which is a cause for celebration alone. The second, was he was staying with his best friend who is also his girlfriend."Harry love, want to go for a swim?" Hermione asked.

Harry's eyes brighten up. "Sure." Hermione smiled, she knew how much her boyfriend loved looking at her in her bathing suit. Her mother persuaded her to get a new one on one of their shopping trips.They were sitting on the edge of the pool and Harry was admiring Hermione in her two piece swimsuit and Hermione was looking at Harry's developing muscles. Both definitely liked what they saw in one another.

"Well I'm going to swim, how about you?" Hermione asked."I think I'll just watch for now" Harry said winking at her.Hermione blushed a bit, but liked the attention she was getting. She hopped into the pool and began to swim laps knowing Harry was watching her every move.

"Harry love, you need to remember to breath" Hermione said giggling slightly."How can I, when I'm looking at perfection" Harry said breathlessly. Hermione blushed a deep red. "You don't have to say things like that Harry" Hermione said looking down.Harry slid into the pool and waded his way to his girlfriend.

"Hermione, I wouldn't say it if it wasn't true" Harry said gently.Hermione looked into Harry's eyes and saw the honesty in them. She knew that Harry was an open book to her, he could never hide anything from her. "You've got to be the best boyfriend a girl can have" Hermione said pulling Harry into a hug.

"I'm only as good because I have you by my side" Harry said softly.Hermione looked up and they were about to kiss when they were interrupted. "God, could that be any more mushy." Harry and Hermione turned around to find Sirius there making a gagging motion.

"You're lucky I can't do magic Sirius or you'd be neutered" Hermione growled as she glared at the marauder.Sirius stopped his actions as he saw the young witch give him the very same look Lily used to give him when she got angry, which freaked him out.

"I think I'll be inside now" Sirius said."That'd be a good idea" Hermione said sweetly.When Sirius left Hermione turned back to Harry, who was now back to his awkward self. "Now, I think we were about to do something before we were interrupted" Hermione whispered huskily.

Harry's eyes widen some at the tone of Hermione's voice, but didn't need to be told twice. He kissed her with as much passion as she gave to him.

/Scene Break/

Dumbledore leaned back in thought as he pondered what he needed to do this summer. He knew that the Ministry would stop him at every turn in trying to tell everyone that Voldemort was back. It amazed him how ignorant and stubborn the Minister is and knew that he had to be replaced, but who was the question.

He thought of Amelia Bones and knew she'd do a good job, though she was a person that wouldn't be easily manipulated and that was what he needed at the moment.

So Amos Diggory was his choice and it would help since the man's son was one of the winners of the Tri-Wizard tournament. He also had to start training Harry and his friends too. He didn't think Harry was ready to defeat Voldemort, but the boy needed all the training he could get to survive until he was ready.

/Scene Break/

The next day Harry and Hermione were having breakfast when an owl came in."Who's it from dear?" Harry asked. "It's from Neville, he wants us to visit" Hermione said. "Well I'm up for it, but you'd better ask your parents" Harry said. Hermione nodded and went off to catch her parents before they left for work. When she returned she had a big smile on her face.

"They said they were okay with it as long as Sirius is takes us" she said.Harry nodded and went to grab his mirror Sirius gave him."What's going on pup?" Sirius asked."Hermione and I got a letter asking us to visit him and Hermione's parents say we can, but you have to take us" Harry said.

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