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Ron looked at the letter that he got from his brother Percy. Why would Percy want him to set up a meeting with Harry. He crumpled the letter up and tossed it aside.

"Stupid Percy, thinks he can order me" Ron muttered under his breath.

"What's up little brother?" Fred asked.

George came over and picked up the crumpled letter and smoothed it out.

"Look Gred, Percy the ponce thinks that Ronniekins can get him a meeting with Harry" George said.

"Our poncy brother thinks Ronniekins is still friends with Harry. Boy is he out of touch" Fred said.

"I agree dear brother, but what can be done about it?" George asked.

"I say we talk to our great leader" Fred said.

"I concur dear brother" George said.

Just then Harry walked into the common room with Hermione and Neville chatting.

"Harry" the twins shouted.

Harry looked over and saw that Fred and George were waving at him, which meant they needed him. He shot a look at Hermione and she shrugged.

"What's going on you two?" Harry asked.

"Percy the ponce wants to set up a meeting with you" Fred said.

"Really" Harry said.

"Yeah, what should we do great leader?" George asked as he handed Harry over Ron's letter.

Harry took the letter and handed it to Hermione, who began to read it.

"Write Percy back, tell him that if he wants to set a meeting up so badly that he should come down here and do it himself and not be a coward and make his brothers do it for him" Hermione said.

"Yes ma'am" Fred said with a salute.

Fred and George began writing the letter and whispering two each other probably suggesting what to write to their stuck-up brother.

Ron glared at Harry and Hermione then left muttering under his breath.

"Well at least he didn't say anything" Harry said.

Neville nodded, "yeah, I thought Ron would've said something."

/Scene Break/

Harry and his friends stood in the Great Hall waiting for the students who've signed to show up. Once everyone was there Harry strolled up to the podium that was used for speeches.

"Good evening to everyone. I hope that we'll get this same turn out for each meeting. Now, this meeting we will be working on the disarming spell" Harry said.

There was a lot of muttering going.

"The disarming spell, you've got to be kidding Potter, that spell is for beginners" Terry Boot shouted.

"We're going to start off easy because you all may know how to cast one, but can you hit someone with one" Harry said.

More muttering went on at this.

"Well how about a demonstration then. Terry, since you think the disarming spell is a beginner spell then come on up," Harry said.

Terry nodded and came on up with a smug look.

"You will be going up against my good friend Luna" Harry said.

A dueling platform appeared in the middle of the hall and Luna walked up on one side while Terry headed to the other. Once the two were in position Harry hopped onto the middle part of the platform.

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