"Yeah, Hermione made me go" Harry said smirking a bit at the memory.

"What did she say?" Daphne asked.

"She said if they progress or get worse come back" Harry said.

Daphne frowned, she was quite worried about her friend and wanted to help him in some way.

"Harry, you said that your scar hurt when Voldemort was near. Maybe it reacts when he feels a certain feeling" Daphne said.

Harry tilted his head back.

"Maybe, but we don't know for sure" Harry said.

"I think you need to see a healer at St. Mungo's" Daphne suggested.

"No, I trust madam Pomfrey only with my care" Harry said shaking her head.

"How about Dumbledore?" Daphne suggested.

"Alright, I'll go see him" Harry said.

"Good, when?" Daphne asked impatiently.

Harry sighed and rolled his eyes. It seemed that Daphne has been spending too much time with Hermione since it appears that the once Slytherin ice queen was becoming motherly.

/Scene Break/

Harry sat in Dumbledore office with Hermione by his side. When he told her about his conversation with Daphne and she agreed wholeheartedly with the Slytherin. She told him that she be going with him to this meeting.

"Harry, Miss Granger to what do I owe the pleasure?" Dumbledore asked sitting at his desk.

"It's about Harry's scar" Hermione said.

This made Dumbledore sit up.

"What about it?" the old wizard asked.

Harry then told Dumbledore how he has been getting small headaches on and off during the week. This made Dumbledore frown.

"What is it sir?" Hermione asked.

"I fear Harry, that you have a connection with Voldemort. You got this connection when his curse hit you and rebounded. I do not know the fully extend of the connection, but I must warn you to be cautious. Keep your Occlumency shields up at all times" Dumbledore said.

"What do you think the headaches mean, sir?" Hermione asked.

"That Voldemort must be planning something and he's excited about it" Dumbledore said.

"Do you know what?" Hermione asked.

Dumbledore shook his head sadly.

"No, but I will put every resource I have to find out and let you know" he said.

"Thank you sir" Hermione said then she and Harry left.

Dumbledore sat back frowning. He feared that Harry had a connection to Voldemort and the fear was that Voldemort would have a way to control Harry. His original plan was to keep his distance from Harry this year for fear of that link. But after seeing how strong Harry has become he decided to forgo that plan and help Harry as much as he could.

/Scene Break/

Harry gathered his friends together and told them what happened in Dumbledore's office.

"So Dumbledore thinks that you're getting headaches because you can sense Voldemort" Neville said.

Harry nodded.

"Man Harry, you don't catch a break, do you?" Neville said smirking.

"Thank Nev" Harry said chuckling.

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