"So how'd it go?" Hermione asked spotting Harry first.

"Great, we have an alliance with the Greengrass family" Harry said.

Hermione squealed and hugged Harry tightly. Daphne smiled and hugged Harry after Hermione.

"So my dad wasn't too hard?" Daphne asked.

"Well I think it helped that I got those lessons on pureblood things because if I hadn't I'd be out of my depth that and Sirius was with me" Harry said.

The three than discussed what they could train Daphne in and the Slytherin got excited with what she would learn.

Later when Harry, Hermione and Sirius were gone Adrian came up to Daphne.

"I heard from Sirius that he and his friend are teaching Harry and his friends to defend themselves" Adrian said.

"Yes father" Daphne answered.

"Would you care to join them?" Adrian asked.

Daphne held in her exuberant response and answered in a polite and proper way.

"Yes I would father."

"I see then, go pack you'll be staying with them for the rest of the summer" Adrian said.

Daphne squealed and kissed her father on the cheek then went to pack. Leaving a smiling Adrian behind.

/Scene Break/

When Daphne arrived this brought a new element that was missing to the group as they had courage, loyalty, and knowledge in spades, but what they were missing was cunning and Daphne brought that. She quickly caught up with the others as she was never to be behind in anything. She also helped provide more insight on the Pureblood culture since she had been surrounded by it since birth.

"This is all rubbish" Harry groaned.

"I know Harry, but you have to learn this" Hermione said.

"Why do I have to when I'm trying to get rid of it?" Harry asked.

"So you can infiltrate the ranks with ease" Daphne said.

"You're pure Slytherin you know" Harry said.

"I'll take that as a compliment" Daphne said.

/Scene Break/

As the group trained Daphne got to know the four better and she was happy how easy it was to be accepted by them, but she knew that to have their trust was not to be taken lightly. She also found something else interesting. She liked how she could be herself and not have to put on her ice princess persona that she had to put on when in school. They genuinely liked her for who she was and not who her family and connected to. It was a real changed, though a very good one.

/Scene Break/

As the summer wound down Harry and friends found that the newspaper has been blasting him, claiming he was an attention seeking brat who was probably mentally unstable. They knew that the Ministry was behind this so that annoyed them very much. They got a letter from Amelia Bones telling them that she believed Harry and she was doing her best to squash the rumors. But sadly most of the wizarding world believed what they read and now thought of Harry as a deranged person of some kind.

Harry didn't care since the people who knew him and believed him were the only ones that counted.

/Scene Break/

Harry was reading in the library when he heard a loud squeal which caused him to look up, luck for him as a brown missile attacked him.

"I did it! I made it!" Hermione exclaimed.

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