Sirius nodded, "Alright, I'll be there in a few minutes."When Sirius arrived he apparated the two to Longbottom manor. They found Neville waiting for them."Harry, Hermione, I was wondering when you'd get here" Neville said."Well we didn't want to waste any time" Hermione said.Neville introduced them to his grandmother and Sirius bowed.
"Lady Longbottom." "Lord Black."

Harry and Hermione looked at one another with confusion."I see that Mr. Potter doesn't know of his position?" Augusta Longbottom said noticing the couple's confusion."No, but I will make sure that he knows before the summer is out" Sirius said.After that it became a little less formal, but it wasn't til the kids were out of the adults' sights when they relaxed.

"Man, that was stifling" Harry said."Get used to it Harry, you're scion to the Potters" Neville said."What does that mean?" Hermione asked.Neville then explained to Hermione about the old pureblood families, like the Potters and Longbottoms were actually titled Ancient and Noble since they can trace their roots to the time when Merlin lived.

The Malfoy family was still a new family, though they were consider an old family, they didn't have the prestige as the Ancient and Noble families did. Though they didn't stop the Malfoys to act like they were."So who are the Ancient and Noble families?" Hermione asked."Well the Potters are one, then there's the Longbottoms, then the Bones', The Greengrasses, and the Blacks, and that's about it" Neville said."Do they get along?" Harry asked.

"Well I know that the Potters and Longbottoms have an alliance between the two and the Longbottoms have one with the Bones family, as for the Greengrass family, I have no idea" Neville said.Harry thought for a minute then a twinkle in his eye appeared."Harry, what are you thinking?" Hermione asked noticing the twinkle."I need to write a letter" Harry said simply.

Neville provided Harry with the parchment and quill and Harry wrote a letter and without letting Hermione read it he send it off with Hedwig, who appeared just as he finished."How does that owl know?" Neville asked out loud."She has always known when I needed her" Harry said.

"But that's not common for post owls" Neville said."Unless a post owl and their owl has developed a familiar bond" Augusta Longbottom said.Neville jumped at the sound of his grandmother's voice.

"Gran, I didn't hear you come in" he said."My apologize Neville, I just to let you know that we'd be having lunch on the terrace" Augusta said."Alright Gran, we'll be there" Neville said. During lunch Hermione tried to get Harry to tell her who he wrote to, but Harry refused and would only smirk at her, which annoyed her.

"Harry James Potter, you better tell me now or I'll hex you" Hermione said angrily."Better do as she says pup, when Lily used your father's full name he knew he was in big trouble" Sirius said smirking."I'll tell her in due time Sirius" Harry said.The rest of lunch Harry got a crash course in Ancient and Noble families."So I just go to Gringotts and ask to see the will" Harry said.

"Oh Merlin, why didn't I think of that" Sirius said smacking his forehead with his hand."It's alright, we'll go tomorrow" Hermione said.Sirius nodded."We are quite happy to continue our alliance with the Potter family" Augusta said."Well I have no problem with that my only request is to think about an alliance with the Black family" Harry said.

"Your godfather and I have been discussing this and we've yet to work out the details" Augusta said."Excellent" Harry said.The rest of the day the three friends hung-out and talked about what they were doing during the summer aside from homework."So Neville, have you invited Luna over yet?" Harry asked nudging his friend in the shoulder.

"Um, well, no, but I plan on it. I mean she met Gran at the train station and they seemed to have gotten along" Neville said blushing slightly."I'm sure your Gran likes Luna" Hermione said."I hope so, I really like Luna" Neville said. "Do I hear wedding bell in your future Nev" Harry teased.Neville blushed bright red."Harry quit teasing him" Hermione chided.

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