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Hi, it's been awhile.

I don't know how to continue this actually since it got off my mind, lol! But here I am and it proves I haven't totally forgotten this story.

Stay tuned and enjoy!


Mew exhaled loudly as he observed himself in the somewhat fogged full length mirror, the bright red bruise on his jaw far more apparent than he had anticipated (it was no wonder why the makeup crew had to use much more than usual just to cover it up for his shoot). There was a knock at the front door just as he was going to grab the towel to continue to dry off his hair. He hurried to the door and replied with a loud sigh after quickly changing into the clothing he had already worn that day.

It was Gulf.

The blond appeared furious; his cheeks were flushed red, his chest heaved as he panted (perhaps from sprinting or running), and his bangs were somewhat stuck to his forehead from the very tiny coating of sweat that covered it. 

"Did a staff member provide you my address?" Mew asked, his face furrowed.

Gulf shoved Mew to the side so he could enter his unit while he disregarded the query. "How the hell can you treat me like this? Again!" He yelled indignantly, not caring how loud he was. Mew finally turned to the man and sighed as she softly clicked the door shut.

"Remember, you did punch me? Not exactly anything you can do to a model and get away with", he said in a firm tone as opposed to Gulf's gentle one. A slight smirk appeared on his lips, which further indicated that Mew was pleased with what he had accomplished."

"You're attempting to get me dismissed? Fired?" Gulf stomped over to him and appeared almost prepared to strike him again like the day before.

He motioned to the bruise on his jaw and said, "Well, clearly the stylist questioned what happened the exact second he saw this, and I wasn't going to lie to him." He seemed proud of himself, which infuriated Gulf even more. After passing Gulf, Mew entered his bedroom while the older followed closely behind, continuing to yell insults about how he's always wrecking his life.

"Perhaps I'll just try to ruin your modeling career as well!" Gulf yelled, stopping next to Mew, who was removing the earrings the stylist had given him earlier in the day from his drawer. 

"Then perhaps you can try singing again, even though it appears it didn't go very well for you, did it? " Mew rolled his eyes and sighed because he could see where Gulf was taking it. "I recall how talented you were as a dancer and singer, but you always gave singing your all. Even though you always sang for me, I can still recall all the times you mentioned wanting to perform for others and wanting everyone to hear your voice."

"And how are you doing?" Mew folded his arms across his chest and moved all of his weight to one leg. "Even after all those times, the practice, and work you put into dancing, you just become a photographer."

Gulf continued to fight the urge to strike Mew while clenching his hands. "At least my effort is seen by others. Even your singing was never heard by anyone. The few who did, though? Didn't even fucking care." It was such a relief to Gulf when Mew's smirk vanished and his cheeks started to turn a faint shade of pink.

"At least I still have the spotlight on me. At least I still occasionally get to perform on stage and draw everyone's attention. You'll spend the rest of your life in front of a camera, and nobody will even know who you are." Mew hissed back. He commented with an arrogant tone, "Such a shame too, you were an excellent dancer."

"Fine with me. And, well, maybe it's a good thing you settled for becoming a model because, after all, you were just a pretty face." Gulf smirked a little because he could tell right away that all of his comments had touched a chord in Mew and perhaps even upset him more than he had anticipated. Therefore, I believe it was for the best that you were not able to pursue a career as a singer-

A sudden, scared gasp was forced out of his mouth, interrupting him. He wasn't sure how it happened or even what happened, but he suddenly found himself being jarred up against a wall, hissing as he arched his spine in response.

"You are pitiful, don't you know that?" Mew responded with a roar, his eyes blazing with rage. Mew stomped over to Gulf and pushed him back as he attempted to pull himself free from the wall. "I've apologized a lot for something that wasn't even my fault in the first place, yet here you are, five fucking years later, still acting like a brat about it! "

"It wasn't your fault? You wrecked my prospects completely by ruining my audition!"

"Just because I entered doesn't mean you couldn't have won!" Mew spat back at him, eyes flaming and fists clenched, "It was your fault you were thrown out because you were too damn impatient to let your leg heal. Even if I had entered, you still would have won. "

Gulf pulled Mew away with both hands on his chest and said, "If I had entered a singing audition against you, you would have gotten mad as well." Mew stomped back over to Gulf.

"No, not at all. It would have been more comfortable and I would have enjoyed the competition if I had been there with a friend."

Gulf snorted and turned his head away since he was unable to look directly at Mew. "And if I'd won?"

"Then I would've complimented a friend on his accomplishments," Mew said in a gentler voice than before, but his annoyance and wrath still came through his teeth.

The blonde gave him a few second of thought as she turned to face him. He also found it hard to believe it himself. He was a little terrified, so he quickly set it all aside and focused on pushing Mew once again because he couldn't bear to continue this debate. "I'm going now,"

Gulf tried to fight back with a stare that, if possible, could kill as Mew shoved him back again while gazing down at him. "I won't let you go that easily, you came here at ten at night to yell at me."

"Why not? Do you not want me to leave? You do dislike me after all."

Mew appeared surprised by Gulf's remarks, but he kept his feet firmly planted on the ground. "I didn't joined that audition to annoy or offend you. I came in hoping to pick your brain."

"Learn from me? Mew, you were always better at dancing than I was." Gulf averted his gaze and sighed softly, missing Mew entirely.

"So you thought that?" Gulf quickly slapped Mew's hand away in irritation after being forced to glance back at him by Mew using his hand. 

"Gulf, you taught me everything I know about dancing, and frankly speaking I'm still learning. So please don't accuse me of being a better dancer while also placing the blame for the situation on me."

Both Gulf and the other person remained silent. Gulf still had some anger in his eyes, and he wanted to talk up and fight back because he couldn't let things go on like that. But he was at a loss for words. He let his eyes wander away from Mew with a few head nods. His voice dipped to a faint whisper as he said, "I-I-I... I need to go, it's becoming late."

*** to be continued ***

Oh I know, the angst is also killing me but bear with me y'all. Hehehe. I'll make this worthwhile

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