arwen x éowyn?!? who i ship sword wife with + fic recs

Start from the beginning

they would've 100% met at aragorn and legolas's wedding at minas tirith (same timeline as arwen and aragorn's wedding except not the same people) and bonded over the fact that both their fathers/father figures Never Let Them Do Anything™ and the fact that they both fell in love with aragorn

and ofc they'd (aragorn, legolas, arwen and éowyn) laugh about the fact that they at one point were/are in love with aragorn and now they're living their best gay lives

there would be so much mortal/immortal potential too!!! like after aragorn's death legolas obviously builds his own ship and sails to valinor with gimli but would arwen stay?? because canonically she does stay and die a year after aragorn (which in this case would be éowyn) but now that the circumstances are different, would she board the ship with legolas and gimli???

shit now i kinda wanna write a fic about this wow i should stop talking-----

so overall i think that if arwen and éowyn met under the right circumstances and in the right time they totally would've had something and it might've worked

this is the kinda ship that i'm OKAY with seeing in fics as a background, i'll be like oh, cool i love that but i'm just as okay with seeing éowyn as a single girlboss

-- lothiriel x éowyn (SHIPPPPP)


so if you don't know who lothiriel is that's okay i didn't until a while ago either

basically in the canon she's éomer's wife, princess of dol amroth and later queen of rohan after éomer's crowning

basically in the canon she's éomer's wife, princess of dol amroth and later queen of rohan after éomer's crowning

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(she was also pretty ASF. like i'm not a simp, butttttttttttttttt 👀👀)

so anyways now y'all are probably like "but *insert my name here*, why do you ship éomer's wife with his sister, that's kinda screwed"

which yes, i agree, it is, but obviously in this shipping headcannon she never married éomer, so let's just take a step away from that a sec and reverse the roles of éomer and éowyn for rn


Éomer knows his duty to his country, and Lothíriel knows hers, and so they are wed. She's a capable queen and a dependable wife — yet he falls in love with her one misstep.

A diplomatic visit to Ithilien, and when Éowyn reveals she has brought up a palfrey as a gift, Lothíriel foregoes the courtesy of words: instead she gasps, and kisses the mare and Éowyn both.

And Éomer's heart stops. Races.

"My love for horses is newfound but wholehearted," Lothíriel laughs.

"True love often comes unannounced," Éowyn says, her eyes on Éomer.

"Say rather that it's learnt, sister."

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