a rant about rings of power + EXCITING NEWS!!

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okay so my original plan for this chapter was to do a rant abt arwen x eowyn and lothiriel x eowyn and basically who i ship her with but my inspiration said ✌

so instead in honor of the second trailer for rings of power just coming out

(here it is for reference:)

and bc there's less than two months until it comes out..... y'all get this chapter and i promise the eowyn chapter will be next

i will be talking abt this trailer at the end of the chapter bc yes ik ik its very perspective changing but first i have a few points to make

anyways in this one imma be narrowing down the MAIN THREE THINGS that really bother me and stop me from being optimistic about rings of power

bc in the first chapter i did on the show (we NEED to talk abt the lotr show) i mainly talked abt things that were IN THE TRAILER meaning visual reps, and like general plot things abt the show bc what else could i rly talk abt when we knew so little abt it at the time

now we have new promo pics, new casting info, obviously a second trailer and etc etc and i have THOUGHTS

so essentially this is gonna be a more like "generally this is why it's not gonna be great' chapter than a full on critique of the trailer and also this one is more lore centered

i will be revisiting all the points i make in this chapter in september once the show comes out and i can see if i was wrong abt anything i said here bc obviously as soon as the first episode is out im gonna do a rant abt it

ALSO there is some very exciting news relating to my 25K word lotr fic at the end of this chapter!!

alright that's it let's go


1) celebrimbor

please enjoy this meme i made to try and harness the deep unbridled rage the casting for celebrimbor incites in me:

please enjoy this meme i made to try and harness the deep unbridled rage the casting for celebrimbor incites in me:

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so the guy on the LEFT is what celebrimbor looked like in the LORE

the guy on the left aka the mf pictured below is how amazon chose to cast him

the guy on the left aka the mf pictured below is how amazon chose to cast him

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