SnowWhite: Oh
SnowWhite: Yes!
SnowWhite: Most of my classmates don't know that

Aizu: I like animals, so I learn things
Aizu: from time to time

SnowWhite: That's great!
SnowWhite: But 
SnowWhite: Um
SnowWhite: How would I convince Mr. Aizawa?

Aizu: I assume the rabbit is your ESA?
(Emotional Support Animal)

SnowWhite: Yes

Aizu: For school reasons you'd probably have to 
Aizu: Submit a report on it

SnowWhite: Oh..
SnowWhite: I'm not too good with those
SnowWhite: I'm not even sure how I would write it

Aizu: If you want
Aizu: I could give you a rough overview of what you need

SnowWhite: Well
SnowWhite: That would help a lot

Aizu: Start off that you need a second rabbit for your ESA
Aizu: Explain why you chose a rabbit as your ESA
Aizu: Then explain why rabbits need to be in pairs 
Aizu: (Don't forget to site your sources!) 
Aizu: And finally at the end, wrap it up in an overview

SnowWhite: That makes a lot of sense 

Aizu: If you want extra brownie points on persuasion
Aizu: And if you're comfortable with it
Aizu: You can explain why you need an ESA, along with
Aizu: how important having that specific rabbit is to you

SnowWhite: I..
SnowWhite: I would have to think about that

Aizu: That's completely understandable

SnowWhite: Do you think that
SnowWhite: um
SnowWhite: Adding that extra bit could help?

Aizu: Honestly?

SnowWhite: Yes, please

Aizu: You're a high school student and a hero in training
Aizu: On top of villain attacks when you're not even an official hero yet
Aizu: That's a lot of pressure 

SnowWhite: A bit...

Aizu: Most people are quick to feel pity for others
Aizu: And in this type of persuasion, someone pitying you could
Aizu: be a make-or-break moment

SnowWhite: But
SnowWhite: I don't want to be pitied

Aizu: Most people don't 
Aizu: But other people's pity can also be favorable for you
 Aizu: In this case it could sway their opinions in your favor

SnowWhite: Do you think
SnowWhite: It could work on the people reading my report?

Aizu: Unless they have a stick up their ass 
Aizu: It should work
Aizu: It won't work on Nezu because of reasons
Aizu: But he would understand the logic in it

SnowWhite: That
SnowWhite: It makes sense

Aizu: It's all up to you on adding it in there
Aizu: Your facts are sound and your ESA's health
Aizu: Will reflect on your health so it's only if you want to

SnowWhite: Thank you
SnowWhite: For helping me

Aizu: Of course
Aizu: Good Luck!

SnowWhite: Thank you 

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