Chapter 11

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Rosalina was not the only one who'd slept restlessly. Caden had tossed and turned almost the whole night. Worst-case scenarios played out in his mind on a loop. He loved Rosalina with everything in him, and he felt they were meant to be together without a shadow of a doubt, but what if it wasn't enough? The Fates were known to be unforgiving at times. But why would they bless their marriage if that was the case? He groaned in frustration; he was going to drive himself mad.

The feeling of dread in his stomach grew more pronounced as he watched the sun rise. He rolled over to face Rosalina. She was frowning in her sleep, her worries bleeding into her dreams. Reaching out to gently caress her frown lines, he watched them disappear as she sighed in contentment. He could not lose her; he wanted to wake to her face every sunrise until he died. He longed to start a family with her, and he was so close to making his dreams a reality. All he had to do was win.

I already won, he thought bitterly, cursing Dmitri for not accepting his defeat humbly and instead calling for a duel. He would have to emerge victorious again. The consequences of losing were too horrible to imagine. If he did fail, he had no intentions of allowing Rosalina to marry anyone else. He would abduct her if that was what it took for them to be together. As long as she was a willing participant, of which he had no doubts.

Rosalina, who usually slept till the last possible second, woke as the sun was rising to find Caden staring at her. "Were you watching me sleep?" she asked softly.

"Yes," he admitted.

"Stalker," she teased, recalling a time when she'd watched him slumber and thought the same of herself.

"Only for you, love."

"Do you fear the duel?" she asked. Caden could read the worry and stress in her eyes. And he decided to do something for the first time in their relationship that he'd never done before — he lied.

"I have no fears, and I am confident in my success."

She studied his face and smiled, kissing him. "You have my gratitude for trying to ease my anxieties, but you are not a very good liar."

He laughed at being caught. "Apologies, I just do not want you to worry needlessly."

"I will cease worrying when you are proclaimed the victor, and we can move on with our lives."

"And what a life it will be."

"We will not have to run."

"Or hide."

"We will be with family."

"Our children will grow up with Margaret's children."

"You imagine Margaret and Vera having children?" asked Rosalina, surprised that he planned their future with such detail.

"Of course. I will see the healers to be a donor for them, should they wish it. But I plan to personally inform them that they are responsible for providing our children with kin and playmates."

Rosalina laughed, slapping Caden's chest. She could picture their life together. "That sounds perfect," she said wistfully.

"We will have it all."

"Will you still love me when I am old and wrinkled?" asked Rosalina seriously.

"No, at that point I will have to find a younger woman to admire," Caden answered with a straight face.

"Caden," growled Rosalina warningly.

He grinned. "I am merely teasing you. I will always love you. Why, will you not love me when I am old?"

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