Chapter 2

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Rosalina jumped out of bed and dressed faster than she ever had. Satisfied with how she looked, she all but ran to the palace's entrance hall with Margaret on her heels. They came to a skidding halt once they were in view of the guests. Their mothers flashed them synchronized looks of displeasure at their less than poised entrance. Roselyn and Jacqueline were standing with Victor. A few servants loitered behind them while the House guards kept watch. Margaret stealthily slinked to her mother's side, leaving Rosalina to be the center of everyone's attention.

Traitor, the Princess thought.

"Ah, this must be Rosalina," said a regal, richly dressed woman with her own servants and guards at her side, smiling. The staff watched the proceedings with an attentiveness and merriment one would usually find at a joust.

"A pleasure to make your acquaintance, Duchess," said Rosalina, curtsying. Her heart was pounding in her chest. She'd gotten a quick glimpse of Dmitri, but nothing substantial as etiquette dictated that she greet the Duchess first. She was itching to look but did not dare shame her family by committing such a faux pas.

"There is no need for the formalities. We are soon to be family. Grant me an embrace!" exclaimed Lady Charlotte, opening her arms. Rosalina complied, walking forward to allow the Duchess to seize her, and was immediately assaulted by an overpowering, sickly sweet fragrance. Lady Charlotte pulled Rosalina tightly to her bosom, and the smell burned her throat. Her eyes watered with the strain of holding in a cough, and she was grateful when the Duchess finally released her.

"Do not keep her in suspense, Charlotte," said Victor, grinning playfully. "Present your boy! She has waited many seasons to make his acquaintance."

"Father!" hissed Rosalina, blushing.

Lady Charlotte laughed. "Do not be embarrassed, my dear. He has long waited to make your acquaintance as well. Come, Dmitri." She beckoned, motioning him over from where he was observing a respectable distance apart.

When Dmitri was in front of her, Rosalina at long last allowed herself the opportunity to examine him. She took note of the fact that he was doing the same.

The first thing she noticed was that he was tall. Very tall. She would have to stand on the tips of her toes if she ever wanted to kiss him, and even then, reaching his mouth was questionable. She happily noted his good looks. He was fair in complexion, his short-cropped hair streaked by the sun, and he donned a short-sleeved tunic displaying his large arms. His muscular stature made Rosalina feel small in his presence.

Dmitri formally held out a hand, the other behind his back. When Rosalina placed her hand in his, it practically disappeared. He drew her hand to his mouth and placed a gentle kiss on the back of her knuckles.

"My Lady," he said, his voice a deep rumble.

"Lord Dmitri," said Rosalina shyly.

Victor chuckled. "Wonderful! Rosalina, I trust you are agreeable to showing Dmitri your gardens?" he suggested.

"A lovely idea," Roselyn agreed.

"Mother?" Dmitri asked politely, knowing it was already decided.

"Off with you," said Lady Charlotte, making shooing motions.

"Lead the way, my Lady," said Dmitri. He held out his elbow for Rosalina to take and she hooked her arm through his.

As she led him away, she heard her mother say, "Do they not make a charming pair?" Rosalina was still trying to decide that for herself. Her nerves appeared once she realized she was alone with Dmitri. He seemed to be taking in the magnificent interior of the palace, but she wanted him to take an interest in her. Neither spoke, and it began to feel uncomfortable. The silence hung thickly in the air, weighing on them until it became unbearable.

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