Chapter 11

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I would like to thank everyone for their words in the apology chapter. It really made me feel better. Here's a chapter for everyone.

Waiting for a few more upper moons to arrive, (M/n) stood there looking at nothing particular. All of his thoughts being interrupted as the Biwa was heard again, Akaza made his appearance.

(???): "Hee~!"

The sound erupted from a vase, decorated with flowers and leaves. Out from this vase emerges Upper Rank 5, Gyokko.

(Gyokko): "It is Lord Akaza and Lord (M/n). Oh my! I'm glad to see you're well. It's been about 90 years, hasn't it? I'd begun to think you were defeated."

He coughed sarcastically as he continued rambling about how he was hurt by true thought of us dying and all of that.

(???): "How horrible. During the time we didn't meet, Gyokko became uncountable in number."

Upper Moon 4, Hantengu

(Hantengu): "It's been 113 years since the last summon. An indivisible number...a strange, ominous odd number! How horrible!"

(Akaza): "Biwa woman, is Lord Muzan here?"

(Nakime): "He has not yet arrived"

(Akaza): "Then where is Upper Rank 1? Surely he hasn't been defeated."

(???): "Oh my, oh my! Wait just a second, Lord Akaza. Aren't you worried about me~? I was incredibly worried about everyone! You're all my important comrades! I don't want to be without any of you."

(Gyokko): "Hee! Lord Douma!"

(Douma): "Hello! It's been a while, Gyokko! Is that a new vase? Very pretty! I put a woman's freshly severed head in a vase you gave me and used it to decorate my room."

(Gyokko): "That wasn't for a head, but that's fine too!"

(Douma): "You must come visit me sometime!"

The next thing known was Akaza smashing Douma's head with his punch, blood splattering everywhere.

(Douma): "Oh, nice punch! Are you stronger than before, Lord Akaza?"

This angered the striped Demon even more.

(Nakime): "Upper Rank 1 has been called first. He's been over there the whole time."

A shocked expression crossed Akaza's face as he looked down at the mentioned location of Upper Rank 1, Kokushibo.

(Kokushibo): " right here. Lord Muzan...has arrived."

This shocked most of the present demons as they heard the voice of their creator.

(Muzan): "Gyotaro is dead. The Upper Ranks of theKizuki are incomplete."

(Douma): "Can that really be so? My apologies, I brought Gyotaro in, so how shall I make amends? Shall I gouge out an eyeball or...?"

(Muzan): "That's not necessary. You may keep your eyeballs. I suspected Gyotaro would loose. As I thought, Daki was a hindrance. If Gyotaro would have fought by himself from the beginning, he would have won. He shouldn't have fought after poisoning them. But it doesn't matter now."

By now, nothing was really interesting anymore. Only talking how the Kizuki are worthless and such stuff. A lot more talking was made how no one was able to find the Blue Spider Lily by far, or the head of the corp.

(M/n): "He puts a lot of trust into me , not reading my mind and my location..."

After Muzan was transported away by the sound of the Biwa, Douma started his blabbering again, earning a full on swipe to the head as it was smashed clean off of his shoulders.

As Akaza went in for another strike, his hand was suddenly cut off.

(Kokushibo): "Akaza... you go to far."

(Douma): "Don't worry Lord Kokushibo, I don't mind at all!"

Before anything else, the sound of the Biwa was heard once again, the Upper Moons looking around for the person who has left.

(Kokushibo): "Where is...(M/n)?"

(Nakime): "He got annoyed and had stuff to do."

-Back in the shed-

Rengoku has not once left the shed ever since the four-eyed demon mysteriously disappeared. Yet was happy as he returned without a scratch.

They walked below the full moon, entering the view of a now quiet village, no, town, as there were a few stands open selling a few snacks for passing travelers.

Suddenly, once again, the Biwa was heard. Though this time, Rengoku was transported somewhere else.

(M/n): "Akaza has requested him for a sparring battle? Oh well"

As the demon entered the village, he did not hesitate to create havoc.

-somewhere else-


(???): "Kaburamaru, just eat him already"

Let's just say the crow wasn't seen for a few hours.

As the Slayer with mask and snake ran towards his location, he was met with another, a blind, strongly built man in his twenties.

(???): "Gyomei-san? Did they send you here as well?"

(Gyomei): "Yes, we should hurry, I smell smoke"

As they both ran and ran and ran, they suddenly stopped hearing the screams of a little girl. Actually, a bunch of children. Children seeing their family and beloveds get killed.

They rushed down, the snake boy, known as Obanai, seeing the entire village going up in flames. Dead bodies lying everywhere as some of them were missing their limbs. A bunch of children were cowering in alleys as the massacre took place.

(M/n): "You slayers always arrive to disappointing."

Obanai snapped his head towards the voice, a boy with four eyes and kanji of 'Upper 0' showing themselves. He had an arm in his hand, maneuvering it around as if it was attached to his body.

(Obanai): "Disgusting...Gyomei-san, we are facing one of the Kizuki."

(Gyomei): "The ominous presence gives it away. You are a strong one"

They both drew their weapons, getting into a fighting stance as Obanai charged at the demon. Whilst attacking, Gyomei quickly sent for backup, knowing that them alone won't be able to defeat this demon.

(M/n): "I must admit, your breathing technique is very impressive. And that the snake helps you is quite uncalled for."

Eyes appearing on his body, Obanai looked straight into them, falling to the floor as he blacked out.

(M/n): "I would call you lucky, you're blind, so my Demon Art won't affect you. Yet I have many more techniques up my sleeve"



(Mitsuri): "Gyomei-san needs help? Kya! That means his opponent is strong!"

Giyuu's and Shinobu's eyes widened. There are only two demons Gyomei might need help with. And they both hope that he isn't fighting him.

Y'all I apologize for taking 3000 years to update. I dearly apologize. PLS FORGIVE ME! Tests are coming up, and all that stuff, so, uh, yeah. Hope you enjoyed this chapter :)

Also, if you check my profile, I made a Discord Server for a demon household role play. Check my site and see which characters are available!

(Mostly did this cause I'm lonely :'))

•Death is Fate• | KnY x Male!Demon!readerDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora