Chapter V: Incubus Caught Another

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Alt Title: L's Harem in The Making {Part 2}

Bold: Serious Dialogue/Notes/Command/Voice In Vid

Italics: Whisper/*Thoughts/Actions*/Voiceover

Norm: Dialogue/Narration/"Reading Chat"

Underline: In-Game Chat

A/n: To my Korean fans and those that know Korean, please tell me if the translations are accurate so I can change it if it's not "right" :)

With those outta the way, E N J O Y!

3rd POV

'Twas a wonderful Wednesday afternoon and we see a certain incubus — I mean Nephalem sitting in office, clicking and holding on his mouse and moving it around slowly and precisely. He was not making any other unnecessary movements, all of his focus was on his screen where he was dragging notes and beats just a few inches from where they were. Y/n was so focused that he didn't notice another one of his sisters entering his room an a laid-back manner before sitting on the couch.

???: You've been staring at your screen for the last 20 minutes, you still can't decide on something, shithead?

???: You've been staring at your screen for the last 20 minutes, you still can't decide on something, shithead?

Йой! Нажаль, це зображення не відповідає нашим правилам. Щоб продовжити публікацію, будь ласка, видаліть його або завантажте інше.

A/n: They just radiate so much sibling vibes, I can't help it XD

Y/n: God dammit, Su-bin! You ruined my concentration.

Su-bin: Well faq you~ you've been staring at your screen for the last 20 minutes as I've said and you're not even wearing your glasses, at this rate you'll be blind by the end of this..!

Y/n: .....Fuck.....

Getting up from his chair, Y/n jogged out of his office and into his room where he started to look for his glasses. While he was doing so, Su-bin decided to see what he had been focusing on for the past 20 minutes only to see that he is only half way done when he should be done by now and the reason for that is because this was the first song since his album and he wants this to make everyone in his fandom to like it and be wanting more.

Not many know this (not even himself) but he's a perfectionist, not the type of perfectionist that'll scream at you for doing something they find not part of their plan, no. He was the type of perfectionist that'll do anything to "perfect" their work just to please the crowd and right now he's being "too much" into character so she decided to give him a little help.

Grabbing the headphones and putting it just beside her ear, Su-bin played the song back a few times, nodding to herself and dragging a few keys by a few inches then listening to it again before giving herself a nod of satisfaction.

Su-bin: That should do it....

And right on time, Y/n came back with his glasses on and was blinking a few times to adjust his eyes before looking at his sister who was leaning on his desk with a satisfied grin on her face.

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