Chapter I: Terra Aurei Fluminis

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Hawks fly westward in the crimson sky as a band of four armoured knights bearing Mercury symbols upon their left breastplate ride into a small village in guard formation around an empty wagon. Upon reaching their destination, they dismount and knock upon the door of a blond lady with a small child clinging to her skirts. They hand her a paper and scoff upon the realization that she's unable to even read it.

The brunette reads, "By decree of Theodora, Duchess of Julich, and the Holy Imperial Electorate. Decided as of the 10th day of February last. It being desirous that the recipient comply, for wholesomeness and wellbeing of our Empire and her loving Subjects, and may avail themselves with all convenient Speed to cede their first borne to the Imperial Selection Court. The indemnity for your compliance shall be paid in the form of 50 Silver Thalers," the Brunette attempts to hand her a parcel.

The woman retreats back into the house and brings the child with her. There's a commotion as the knights shout for her to stop resisting. The last thing the child sees before being knocked unconscious is his mother raising her arms in a futile attempt to block a falling sabre.

The knights ride off, once again in a guard formation around the now occupied cart. The Brunette asks the wagon driver if he has the 'runt' secured and the driver confirms. He then takes the parcel out again, takes a coin out, and bites it. He pockets the coin and throws the parcel to the wagon driver.

"Divvy the rest out when we reach the Zitadelle," he orders "We don't want any accidents,"

And so, the Knights ride onward toward the Zitadelle. Where a woman in a red gown and an elderly man await their arrival. The four dismount and bow to the woman.

"This is the one that the Electorate found?" The woman asks. Scrutinizing his meek appearance.

"Yes this is the one selected, Fredrick Zimmerman," the organizer confirms, ignoring her scrutiny.

"At least get the runt clothed and bathed before bringing him in," the woman orders. The knights hurry to do so, or rather, to hand him over to a maid to do it for them. The knights then ride off and the woman heads off to do paperwork in an office deeper within her manor. In time, however, her nightly paperwork is interrupted by a knock upon the door.

"Come in, Violette" she says, already knowing who it is.

"Madame Komnene, my lord, the boy has requested his mother," the maid informs.

"I'll handle this, you may rest for now," Lady Komnene sighs, getting up and heading for the guest room of her manor.

In the guest room, Fredrick lies confused and afraid. Strange men had just come and hit mommy and put him to sleep. Now that he was awake, he was in a strange place. At the very least, however, it was rather comfortable. The softness of the straw he was accustomed to couldn't compare to that of what he was sitting on now. Then, just as he was starting to become comfortable, he heard the creak of the door. In the moonlight, he caught a glimpse of it, red-eyed and pale in a red gown. His mother had warned him of this. This was a demon, come to eat him alive. But there was nowhere he could go, was there? He did his best to retreat farther back, but there was only so much he could do sitting on a bed. He raises the sheets so as to protect himself and cower behind them, unable to do anything in the face of such an overwhelming threat.

As Lady Komnene enters the room, she immediately notices Fredrick upon the bed. He was on the verge of tears and cowering in fear. I bear the Mark of Sin, she remembers, That must explain his fear. She almost felt sorry for him, but she knew that this was the way things had to be. At the very least, however, she could try to welcome him.

"Are you awake?" She asks as a mere courtesy. She is met with a mistrustful glare, but eventually the boy nods.

"W-Where is momma, where am I?" Fredrick asks, still tense from fear.

Lady Komnene knew that consoling him would be difficult, where would she even begin to reconcile with someone she had ordered to be kidnapped? However, she had no choice, he was the one they had delivered to her, and he was the one she would have to use for her ends.

"You'll see her again soon," Komnene promises emptily. "And you're in my home, that is all you need to know for now," she says, a bit more harshly than she intended.

This coldness is lost on Fredrick, whose abject fear has been replaced with the slightest tinge of curiosity.

"And who are you?" He asks, less nervous now.

"You may call me Theodora," she says, noticing Fredrick's newfound courage and advancing ever farther into the room. "And who would you be, young man?" She asks as yet another mere courtesy, the answer already being known to her.

"Fredrick," he answers, still a bit mistrustful of this stranger.

Theodora comes ever closer to him, clutching his hand preparing what she will have to say. Her next words will have to be chosen with the utmost care, for all that lies in the future lies in the hands of her and this boy. "Fredrick, listen to me. Soon you will have a very important goal to accomplish, greater than anything you've ever faced before. You will go on to do great things, I promise. Just remember to keep on moving forward, no matter what," she says, solemn and serious.

"I'm sleepy," Fredrick responds with a yawn, the weight of her words lost on him. Surely one day he will realize that upon his shoulders are wings to carry him to the far-off future.

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