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Em and Royce had several more playoff wins before Royce retired.

Em finally came to terms that not everyone is judgmental about her being in a wheelchair. She was accepted easily once she started being seen in public with Royce. They held big celebrations for their team after each playoff win. She still followed her original team from high school. They were her first friends and they kept her spirits high. She felt like she was abandoned by Lace and Cody once they went pro. They just dropped off the face of the earth one summer. Nobody heard from them, but their texts never returned.

One summer after Royce's retirement, Em approached him and asked if they could have a reunion with the old gang. He said that would be great. Em texted everyone and made a date. They decided the July 4th weekend would be perfect. Royce was out on the patio starting the grill when the first to arrive were Case and Jason.

The four of them caught up with each other and were enjoying the privacy of the time they had by themselves before everyone else started showing up with their spouses.

The house was full and the energy was exciting. They were all talking about old times and adventures they have had in their lives. Em went inside to get another pitcher of water when the doorbell rang.

Em opened to door, "yes, may I help you?" she asked pleasantly.

"Hey Em. Long time no see, or text." Cody smiled sheepishly.

"Cody?!" she asked in total shock.

"Yeah, in the flesh finally."

"Well, come in." she let him in and closed the door behind them. "What a shocking surprise, what brings you by?"

"Well, I got this text from one of my old friends asking for a reunion. I couldn't turn it down!" he forcefully laughed at the end of his explanation.

"Babe, did you need help with the pitcher?" Royce stopped in his tracks, squinted at the graying man before him. "Cody?"

"Hi Royce, long time. Congrats on all your wins. I am really proud of you two" he said with a bit of a lump in his throat.

Royce went up to Cody, held out his hand "It is good to see you stranger" and shook his hand. "Come on back, we were just sitting down to eat. There is plenty to go around. You will be a sight for some sore eyes!" Royce invited Cody back to the reunion.

Em grabbed the pitcher of water and went and joined everyone on the patio for a nice dinner. Surprised was one way to describe what she saw on the faces of the group. Some held anger, other held a bit of longing but questions rolled off all their faces.

"So Cody," Jones broke the tension, "Why did you ghost us for 35 years?" He took a bite of his salad. Everyone was looking at Cody waiting for an answer.

"Honestly. It wasn't my fault. I was manipulated by Lace not to come clean. I got approached in my second year of pro by a Canadian team. Lace and I moved up there that summer and I retired from there. I wanted to tell you all but she for some reason didn't want you all to know. When I came back, Lace found a job with Robert as an engineer. I told her I wanted to contact you guys and tell you about us being back in the states. Since Lace could do her job remotely, she allowed me to take a job as an assistant coach. I wanted to tell you. I really did. She just changed after college. She just followed me around and never really cared about the game like she used to. When she got her degree, it was like she was done and hung up her skates. I should have left her then, but I loved her and we were married."

Case poked my ribs and I scowled at her. "Did you know she was a princess?"

"Duh, I am just as surprised as you. At least I still have you!" Em gave Case a side hug and continued listening to Cody's life for the last 35 years.

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