Chapter 6

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The six of them looked over at the six guys that walked in and looked at each other. Em took the lead, skated over to them.

"Here's the deal. You play by our rules. You respect the rules, and in no way will you ever, and I, no WE, mean ever, disrespect us. You listen to our coach while you are here. Agree or disagree?" She states with her hands on her hips and looking at coach.

The six boys looked at each other and once in unison "Agreed!"

Coach looked at all of us, threw up her hands and said "then come after your practice and play!"

We were playing three on three blindfolded when the boys walked in and watched. Coach called us in and had each partner up with one of the new guys. We had to do a few drills before we faced off with them. For having two full practices, the boys team played with fervor that did not show any sign of tiring. It was so fun; we didn't realize how long we had played. It really didn't feel like game, more like we were just old friends having fun.

What surprised us the most was when one of the boys asked us "how do you know where everyone is if you have a blindfold on? You are skating circles around us and we don't have blindfolds!"

Coach started by saying "the girls have been playing with each other since eight grade. These three have known each other since grade school. It creates, for lack of a better word, a link between them."

Case interrupted by saying "if you know the ice, you can predict your opponents move. Come on, I will show you." She pulled one of the giants to the center of the ice.

The rest of us skated to the edge and watched as coach explained to the boys, "watch and listen. You could use some of this on your own team." She said smiling.

"OK, first, what is your name?" asked Case.


"Cody, what position do you play?"

"Center" was his one word answer.

"Oh, you are so going to hate me, and I apologize now, so please don't hate me. You are to win the face off. How often do you take the puck?"

"Not as often as the other team."

"That's right. You aren't made for the center. You are made for defense. I want you to take the puck from me. Coach, puck please?"

Coach skated up to the pair dropped the puck, and backed away.

Case had the puck before it even dropped to the ice.

"How'd you do that??!!" Cody exclaimed.

"I know your movements. I know I'm blind, but I know the ice. I listen to the skates, not watch the people." She continued to explain. "Now, take the left defense position and pick someone to be on your side."

Cody looked at everyone confused, then back to Case. "I am not sure I understand what you are asking, Case."

"I want you to pick a left wingman." She stated simply.

"Hey Jones, come play your place!" Cody yelled across the ice.

"Hey Case, what's going on?" he questioned.

"Come over with me to the other side for a second." The three of them skated over to the other on the edge of the rink.

"I can only explain this once, so please bear with me. You all are in the wrong positions. Your coach is a moron. Cody, you are clearly a left defense. Your skating style says so. Jones, you are the center, you are not a left wingman by any means. Colin, will you and Aaron skate across the rink with me?"

The three of them skated there and back. "Ok, now KC and Rob, lets do the same."

When they came back Case took off her helmet and said "Coach, they are all in the wrong positions. I can't teach them when they aren't in the right positions. What can we do?" Case asked frustrated.

Coach looked around to boys who were clearly flustered. "Boys, are you willing to try something new?"

The six boys looked nervously at each other then at Case. KC spoke up, "sure, isn't that we signed up for? To have fun and try new things?"

Case looked at all of us "OK, lets try this just one time and see if you can feel the difference on the ice. Cody, left defense, Colin, Right defense, Aaron, left wing, KC, right wing and Jones, center, Rob, goalie. We will play one time like this and see what you think. If you don't like it, then we will go back to your old positions."

The twelve to their positions. Coach dropped the puck and there was bit of a struggle for the girls to get it. The boys got it and started pass it when Royce skated in and stole the puck, sent it to Jason, who sent it to Em who got the goal.

Coach came and got the puck Rob who was too dumfounded to say anything.

Case came to the center, took off her helmet and asked "How did you feel in your new positions?"

Jones spoke up saying "it is weird facing off with Lace."

"I didn't like it, but I felt more comfortable then I normally play" was KCs response. The others shook their heads and then looked at Case.

"OK, at least your body knows what it is to play, now listen to the ice when you play this next round. You will hear little hints of where the players are and what the moves are going to be. Oh, Jones, don't be scared of Lace, she is a tough cookie and pretty predictable. Let's try this again!" She put on her helmet and went to the goal.

The second round was a little tougher for the girls. The boys were really feeling their new positions. They gave the girls a run for the puck. But in the end, the girl's team got the goal.

"OK teams, let's call it practice." Coach said. "I will see you boys after your practice, and my team, see you after school."

The rest of the practice season went by so quickly. The girls team taught the boys team how to skate blindfolded. They started playing their games like that. Both teams improved immensely.

The girls team was a force to be reckoned with. With their trained ears they won all their games. The boys on the other hand, struggled. Their coach forced them to play the positions he assigned them. They were clearly frustrated.

After losing two games in a row, their next game, they played the positions their bodies told them to play. They scored, but got pulled, but then put back in to play so they could win the game. Rumor had it their coach yelled at them for an hour after the game. They were benched for the rest of the season, so they went and watched the girls play. They practiced with them after school as well. The 12 of them became really good friends. Even if it was just for the year.

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