I look around and see workout equipment and various photos in the living room. I look down and see bruises beginning to form where the man's hands were.

I burst into tears again as Billy walks back in. He comes to me and sits across from me on the coffee table. He lifts my head up and I see concern in his eyes. He quickly moves his hand away looking like he did something wrong and I collapse into him. He wraps his arms around me hesitantly and slowly. He's gentle and I cry into his chest. He strokes my hair as I cry. After a while the tears have stopped and I'm just there in Billy's arms.

Billy says,"Let me patch your lip."

I sit back and look at him. He cleans it with peroxide and he's gentle. I look at his face and he's super focused.

He says,"I want to apologize. My behavior during the school year...that wasn't right. I was wrong."

I'm shocked and he looks in my eyes and says,"I hope we can start over and be friends. I just want you to know I'm very very sorry."

I see he's being genuine and say,"You must promise to never act like that WITH me again."

Billy says,"I promise.z I swear."

I smile and say,"Then friends it is Hargrove."

He smiles and it's a genuine smile.


We both jump at the outburst and I see a man who looks vaguely similar to Billy.

Billy stands and says,"Dad."

I look at Billy and see fear in his eyes which makes me furious.

His dad storms towards him and I quickly step in front of Billy.

I say as I reach behind me and take Billy's hand,"Mr. Hargrove, it's a pleasure to meet you sir. I'm uh, I'm Adora. Billy...he Uh..."

I clear my throat and say,"He saved me from being kidnapped. Your son is a hero, sir. I didn't mean to um barge in on your home. It's just I was running and didn't know where to go. Im so terribly sorry."

He looks surprised and is in shock. I squeeze Billy's hand and he squeezes back. I burst into tears and Mr. Hargrove seems shocked.

I say,"I was so scared. I didn't know what to do. Billy fought him off and I ran. I just kept running and Billy picked me up and brought me here. I didn't know where to go and I I'm so sorry."

He seems confused on what to do. He has me sit back down and offer some tissues. I wipe my nose and eyes and Billy has let go of my hand. Max comes in and sees me and comes to me. She asks what happened and I explain. She says she will call him and I thank her. She leaves and I hear Eddie pull up like 10 mins later and a knock on the door. Eddie and Hopper are standing there and Eddie rushes to me.

He wraps his arms around me and buries his face in my neck. I cling to him as it truly sinks in what happened today and how I nearly was taken from him, from everyone. Fresh tears fall as Eddie apologizes.

I say,"Eddie, baby. It's not your fault."

He says,"It is. I wasn't there to protect you."

I say,"It's ok. I got away. Billy helped me."

Eddie stiffens and I say,"I'm ok. I'm ok. Just have a busted lip."

He pulls back and looks at Billy who looks at him. He walks towards him and stands a couple feet away in front of Billy. They stand there looking at each other for minute before Eddie holds out a hand.

He says,"Thank you."

Billy seems shocked but hides it well and takes Eddie's hand. They shake and Eddie comes back to me. He looks at my face and his thumb caresses my bottom lip careful to not touch my wound. I suppress a shiver and Eddie sits pulling me down with him.

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