That's my female.

Pride swells in my chest for her.

"This is about you, Locanas. I've never been able to speak to you. Now, I have a translation device, and you no longer have power over me. I'm not scared of you anymore." She insists, but I hear her voice waver the slightest bit at the end. I pray to the gods that Locanas didn't pick up on it. She needs this.

Locanas's eyebrows scrunch in distaste.

"I never wanted you to be scared of me. Never."

Elodie steps forward, too close to him for my comfort. I let her go anyway.

"Then why? Why torture me? Why follow me and touch me and terrify the crap out of me! Why?" She demands, fury in her little voice, bravery stiff in her stance.

"I didn't know. I am sorry. I... I realize now my mistake, and I know I do not deserve mercy. I can't be around females. I realize now that I don't know enough about females to have a mate. I don't want to hurt anyone else with my ignorance. Send me away."

I clench my jaw, wishing to end his life here and now. That would certainly keep him away from females permanently. I step forward to stand next to my mate, looking down at her face.

She has her infuriatingly tempting bottom lip wedged between her teeth in concentration.

Thankfully, the Emperor clears his throat and steps forward. He reaches out a hand to touch Elodies shoulder, but spots the fresh mark on her neck and pulls his hand back. He likely knows from experience how possessive I feel after making her mine. He glances at me meekly, and apology in his gaze.

The same can't be said for Locanas.

"I just wanted you, Elodie. How can you not realize this?" He says, gripping the bars that keep him captive until his knuckles turn white.

She fiddles with her dress nervously, and for a moment I think she doesn't know what to say.

"I knew, Locanas, trust me, I knew. The way you went about it was all wrong, you scard me. Your strength, your disregard for my fear, it was too much. In my eyes you were a monster." Her timid voice is even and confident despite the lack of volume.

Locanas's face falls. His jaw goes slack, and everyone awkwardly stands aside. No one wants to interfere, but it is n ot an easy thing to watch.

"You were afraid of me?" He asks, as if this is the first time he considered such a thing.

A strong part of me wants to burst out in anger at the idiocy of such a statement. Of course she was afraid of him! Is he unable to read emotions like a normal individual? How can he so easily ignore a females's terror at his mere presense.

"How did you not notice?" Elodie demands. The male twice her height shrinks, his spine curling as he hunches himself over to seem less intimidating. I've seen it all so many times 9n the battle ring. My opponents often tried to seem weak to throw me off. It never worked.

"A male, a male in the cafe told me that the way you acted, the noises you made and your facial expression were a sign of arousal. I was a fool to believe him, but it gave me hope, and so I convinced myself that he was telling the truth. I hoped that one as beautiful as you would want me for a mate." Embarrassment floods his face. "I was wrong. I am sorry."

Elodie stiffens, and the Emperor strides forward towards the holding cell.

"This male, what was his name?"

"I do not remember, I only met him in passing." Locanas looks down. "If you choose to execute me, I understand. I do not want to go on living."

I am unable to tell if he is being earnest. I will gladly give him death if that's what he desires. I wont make it quick, either. I would draw it out, make sure he feels every ounce of pain I purposefully inflict on his pathetic body. I would shatter every piece of him that dared press against my mate. Break every bone and muscle that held her in place against her will. I would make him feel all the terror he inflicted on her, and more.

My desire to maim is cut short by the soft touch on my arm.

"I'd like to go now." The sweet, tender words whispered up at me make me pause, glancing down at my mate as the heated anger floats away, replaced by a tender longing I only ever associate with my sweet Elodie.

"Of course." I put my arm over her shoulders. She leans into me as I lead her away from her attacker. He drops to his knees as we all leave him in the darkness.

No one speaks to Elodie. Jane eyes her carefully, as if she will break. She will not shatter though, my sweet human, she is all silent strength. I do not care if her threat level is 1. She will always be strong to me.

"We will gather later to discuss, yes?" The Emperor pleads, looking nervous. My jaw clenches. I want to speak with him privately. I eye him purposefully, hoping to convey my wishes while I rub Elodies arm in comfort.

"Dearest, why don't you take Elodie to her and Barre's den. I must have a word with him."

Elodie shoots me a tired smile as Jane links their arms together and leads my mate down the hallways.

The Emperor and I stand side by side silently, watching our mates walk away until they disappear around a corner. Now that they are completely out of ear range, I speak.

"He must die."

The Emporor sighs.

"I know." He rubs his face, stress obvious on his sharp features. "You must know that this new law will not work. As much as I want my mate to have a say in our ways, humans are so different. They are far too forgiving. I've kept my mouth shut too long. Locanas has made an unforgivable mistake. I do not want him around any females."

"I want him dead, your majesty." I insist, and he nods.

"Yes. It will be done. One way or another, he cannot be allowed to go on."

I nod, satisfaction swelling at his admission. As much as I want to beg that I be the one to end my mate's attacker, I keep my mouth shut.

Everything in time.

Hey all! It's been awhile

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Hey all! It's been awhile. But I am officially back

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