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Arthur and I were soulmates that were made for each other. He completed me in every way and forgave me for the worst parts of me. Seeing him with kids nearly broke my heart as I thought that maybe he had kids with someone.

It was because I wanted a family too... But not with just anyone... I wanted him. I just don't want him; I need him. All my life, I searched for ways to escape, and I ignored what was the most important thing in front of me.

As I remember all the times we spent together throughout history, I knew he always had a special place in my heart. He is so beautiful and kind, and the world doesn't deserve someone like him. He doesn't owe anyone kindness yet he still gives it out like lollipops.

If our family were still around to see how we turned out, they would have probably been against it for obvious reasons like periods, but I think they would all think the same thing when seeing us. They would think that they knew the whole time and how our bickering wasn't enough to cover the love we had for each other.

I miss the days when he would come to me as I fed the cattle and sit and watch me for hours. I liked when he watched me, and I never said anything about it. He would stare at me curiously instead of finishing his chores, and it was the cutest thing in the world.

I hope that growing up, I wasn't the only one that felt the connection we had with each other. I think that what happened to us was terrible... But I wouldn't have done anything different that day.

I may have not caught the pet rabbit I wanted, but I was able to teach Arthur how to do it, and wait beside him very closely as we waited for a rabbit to fall into the trap.

He reminded me of a small bunny back then too... his hair looked messy all the time it resembled the ears of a rabbit. Now he is so clean and polished; It makes me wish cameras were around back then so I could have snapped a picture of him.

He would probably look at the camera angrily if that were to happen. He would glare and tell me how stupid I was and how I looked like a girl. Then I would smile at him, take the picture and tell him how terrible his eyebrows were.

You'd think that after centuries of cosmetics, he would have decided to wax them... but I suppose it is his signature look.

When the witch appeared in front of us, my first instinct was to protect him. I noticed how he stayed still for quite some time, and I knew he had frozen from fear. Freezing up like that was scary, but until he snapped out of it, I wanted to ensure he was safe.

When she brought up my past, I was terrified of her mentioning the one man from the sixties that I killed. I was afraid of her telling him and him hating me once more.

The main thing that worries me... Was Alfred. Seeing him stab someone like that?.... I was afraid it was going to mess him up one day, and he'd need to go to therapy and talk about the one time he had to kill a witch as a child.

Don't get me started on Matthew!!! Not only is he crazy smart for someone his age... but he realized that the witch was vulnerable and tricked Alfred into doing it in the first place. It was honestly a scary and proud moment for me.

I knew that he wasn't my child biologically, but I claimed him!!! So that means he inherited my smarts!!!!

I wanted to do more than just stab that witch. I looked at her as if she was nothing to me, and she was. I wanted to torture her, make her feel pain, make her regret hurting us like that. She was an evil woman that deserved more than just a few stabs in her body.

I was sure that Arthur sensed this anger in me. I tried my best to hide it, but I couldn't help but feel so much anger toward that woman. She was going to hurt the boys next, and I was sure of it.

She would have found it entertaining to watch them stay young forever and watch us cry over them as we got older. There was no way she would leave us alone... unless she was dead.

I hoped she was dead...

I'm scared that maybe it was all a scene to distract us... but we will never know unless we begin to age again. I'm so used to the way I look that I feel that we will stay this way forever.

The way movies romanticize it always made me feel sick. Why would anyone want to live forever? To see everyone around them die and eventually have no one but themselves. It was a sad reality for Arthur and me.... And we tended not to watch movies like that.

Movies like vampires or other immortal beings in them. It made us sad seeing people want to be like them. If only they knew how much it hurt to go through these things.

Now that the bitch is gone, maybe Arthur and I could try to forget everything and feel normal again. It was a long shot, but I wanted to feel normal for just a second of my miserable life.


I have something to look forward to now.

Arthur.... He was the only love that I wanted to cherish for all eternity. It was the only way I'd be happy, and maybe... if I'm possibly lucky.... I could die a happy man.

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