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Francis and I moved to the great state of Washington more than twenty years ago. It was a beautiful place I couldn't have pictured it any less nice.
We got our identities renewed, but it's starting to become harder. No one has had suspicions of us yet and it's been hundreds of years. I imagine that if someone were to get suspicious, Francis and I would just leave.

I decided to practice medicine again and have been working in pediatrics. Working with all those little kids made me realize how much I want kids myself. It was an impossible wish, but it made me happy.

Francis is a biologist and studies cell growth and mutations. At first, he was interested in it to help us figure out what's happened to us, but now he mostly works on making cures.  We made lots of money but didn't spend much of it, so we always tried to give to charities.

Our house had four bedrooms, one for me, one for Francis, and then our library. The library contained all the journals we both had written in the past, and there were lots of them. The last room has been empty, we can't figure out what to do with it. Sometimes Francis and I just go in there and stand around.

"Arthur! Look what I found!" Francis came into my room cheering. "What is it?" I asked. "It's a picture of you from the sixties!" He cheered. He showed me the photo, and I took it laughing. "I was so cute!" I smiled.

"Yeah, I was!"
"You still are?"
"Are you asking me?" I laughed. He shook his head and began to sit on the bed beside me. His smile dropped really suddenly, and I looked at him confused. "Are you okay?" I asked. I placed a hand on his thigh, concerned. He began to hold onto his head, and I looked at him confused.

"Yes... I'm fine, don't worry," he smiled at me. I knew for a fact that he wasn't fine. We've spent around sixty years living together by now, and I've known him for centuries... He is going to have to become a better liar. "Alright then..." I said suspiciously. "Anyway... How do sandwiches sound for lunch?" He asked. I smiled at him and began to nod. I loved his cooking so I really said yes to anything he wanted to make.

"I was thinking about going to the store later. Did you want anything specific?" I asked. He thought for a moment, and I began to stare at him. As I did, I noticed he had sweat falling from his forehead. I lifted an eyebrow confused and slowly placed my hand on his forehead. It was freezing.

"I don't think it's a fever. What is wrong?" I asked, confused. I shoved my hand away from him and I looked at him surprised. He couldn't be sick... we never get sick. He looked down to his feet, and I continued to stare at him confused.

"Nothing is wrong; just leave me alone!" He said seriously. It's been a while since I have heard him be this serious. "Alright then... I will go to the store," I explained. I began to get dressed as he sat there on my bed. He hardly moved at all, and it freaked me out.

"Okay....is there anything you want me to get?" I asked. He shook his head slowly, and I began to leave the room. The way he was acting was creeping me out, I wanted to leave already. "I'll be back in a bit," I explained.

Once I left, I got in my car quickly and began to go to the grocery store. Images were playing in my mind, and I couldn't figure out what was going on. Maybe he is having some mental problems? If that's the case, he should talk to me. I'd understand completely everything that was bothering him.

When I arrived at the store, I grabbed everything I needed and decided to look at other things they had. Suddenly one item caught my eye. I walked up to it and began to stare at it, confused. "Twin.... Kies?" I whispered to myself, confused. It was the first time I had ever seen them. Maybe they just put them in this store? I picked them up and began to read the back of them, and it was hard to believe I understood these words.

If younger me got thrown into the future, he would be confused about everything. I decided to take them, so I placed them in my cart and continued to look around for anything else I wanted.

Once I finished at the store, I began to drive home, and within a minute, I was pulled over. I left my hands on the wheel as I began to sweat. The officer walked up to my car, and I smiled at him the best I could. "License and registration?" He asked

I quickly took them out and handed them to him, and he began to look at them. "Do you know why I pulled you over?" He asked. I shook my head slowly, and he began staring at me. "You forgot to use your signal..... it says that you are almost forty?" He asked, confused, and I nodded my head terrified.

"Ahhhh....must be those good genes," I laughed. He looked at me for a second before handing my stuff back. I continued to hold my breath as he stared at me. "Alright then... Be safe, and remember to use your signal. Next time it could be a ticket," he smiled.

I nodded at him, and once he walked away, I finally breathed. My heart was beating extremely fast, and I was extremely relieved.

I need to remember to do simple stuff... I could get caught," was all I could think about as I drove away.

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