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I waited for him to speak.

"About what happened twenty-five years ago..... I'm sorry, but I hurt you, I freaked out and.....I didn't want to keep hurting you... I meant it when I said I loved you," he spoke seriously. My eyes widened at what he said, but for some reason, when he said he loved me, I didn't feel too much about it.

I thought I loved him... I mean, I do. I love him so much, but the type of love is different now. I believed him when he said he was worried about hurting me. I would have reacted the same way. "Alright... I forgive you... You can be in my life again..." I spoke seriously.

His eyes widened, and he felt confused "really? You aren't mad?" He asked, shocked. I took a deep breath out and looked him in the eyes. "I was mad... Long ago... I wasn't just mad; I was heartbroken and sad. It is because I did love you too."

"Haha... I loved you romantically....."
"Wait what?" He asked, shocked. I laughed nervously and nodded. "Arthur, I've loved you for a long time..... romantically, and I still do," he admitted. My eyes widened, and I think I want to kill myself. When he said he loved me back then....he was confessing, and I didn't even realize it.

"But I'm sorry..... I don't feel that way anymore... The love I have for you is platonic...." I explained sadly. His eyes looked sad, and he sat back, stunned. He grabbed my hand and began to squeeze it gently. "Alright then!!!"

"What are you going on about?"
"Arthur! I will get you to fall in love with me again! I don't care how many centuries it takes..... but of course, if you have someone already, then I'll back off," he laughed nervously. My cheeks got red, and I shook my head. "Ummm... That... Right... Well, it's a long story," I laughed nervously. I knew he meant the kids.

I sat facing him and looked at him seriously. "You see, a couple of years ago I met this pregnant woman; this is more of a long story short, honestly. So this woman, I helped her a lot, and I was even there when she gave birth. We had become so close together, but she passed around during childbirth... So left me her kids..." I explained.

"Wow..... that's a lot but so little...?" He said, confused. "Yeah...." I laughed nervously. "Well, that means that it's okay?" He asked softly. I lifted an eyebrow, confused, and he grabbed my hand. "Okay for what?" I asked, confused. He looked at me seriously and began to come closer to me. "It's okay for me to seduce you all I want?" He smirked.

I didn't have any romantic feelings
I didn't have any romantic feelings
I didn't have any romantic feelings
I didn't have any romantic feelings!!!!!!!

But man.... He made me turn red from what he was saying. "Oh please... I have kids now, so good luck with that," I pushed his face away. "I can be their stepfather," he laughed. "Alfred probably hates you now," I laughed. He was arguing with Alfred like a little kid, and it was the funniest thing I had seen in my life.

"Oh right.... I forgot to ask.... Do they know?" He asked. My face was still, and I began to shake my head "not yet... I don't plan on telling them for a little longer," I explained. "Well... Just don't waste too much time... One day they are going to wake up and wonder why they look older than their father," he spoke sadly.

He was right about that. It was a sad reality that we had to go through all the time. "Well, let me properly introduce you to Alfred and Matthew," I smiled. I stood up from my seat and held a hand out for him to take. He grabbed my hand slowly, and I opened the door. Immediately the two both fell into the room like they had been trying to listen.

I began to gently push them out, and they tried to look into the room curiously. "Alright boys, take a seat in the living room," I started. They both nodded and I began to lock the door behind Francis and me.

They both sat on the sofa quietly, and I smiled at them. "Alfred, Matthew, this is Francis... he is a childhood friend of mine, so please be very nice to him," I smiled sweetly. I pointed to which was which for Francis, and the two smiled at him. "I'm sorry I called you a girl..... it's not my fault you look like one," Alfred spoke.

"Forgiven..." Francis said, confused. It was a very backhanded "sorry," but no worries! "Are the two of you more than friends?" Matthew asked with a smile. "Ahhh, I wish," Francis spoke. I nudged him in the gut and smiled for my kids. "No! We wouldn't want to make anyone overwhelmed by that," I smiled.

"Dad, you always treat us like babies!!" Alfred whined. "Well... You are...." I laughed. They might be a little too old for baby, but I loved them so much. "How long ago since your childhood?" Alfred asked excitedly. The question made both Francis and I jump, and I had to think about what age I looked like.

Let's see... I am twenty-six right now? Maybe about twenty years ago," I laughed nervously. Francis gave me a thumbs up, and I nodded, satisfied. "Wow! You are so old!!" Alfred said, shocked. "You wouldn't believe it," Francis smiled at him with a laugh.

I looked to Francis, and he gestured that maybe he should go. I nodded and began to follow him toward the door. When I opened it, we both stepped outside and stood still staring at each other.

"Thank you for giving me a chance to talk to you," he started. I closed the door behind me and smiled at him. "Of course... I mean... times change, right? Life is short after all," I laughed. He laughed at my joke and nodded his head. He began to walk away and then suddenly stopped.

"By the way, Arthur.... I was serious about what I said before," he started. Francis walked back toward me and placed his hand on my cheek. He smiled at me so sweetly, and my feet began to melt. This one was the most loving of all the smiles I've seen him give me. "About what?" I asked quietly.

His face got serious, and he began to lean into me. I stood frozen, staring at him and coming closer. "That I'd seduce you silly," he whispered. Francis then planted a kiss on my lips, and I was so shocked.

His lips were so soft and sweet. In my entire lifetime of knowing him...... this moment was what I longed for.

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