Mind fucker in the room

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As I thought, I ended up in UA but I was in a very unique room. This wasn't an interogation room but this was something else. I could tell that this was one fo these mind fuckers room because they had these comfy chairs, looked down windows which couldn't be opened without a key or anything else, then there was also the thing that I was sitting right across Hound Dog who looked as surprised as I.

Me: What the hell am I doing here?

Hound Dog: I would love to know that too. 

Aizawa: *sigh* You just tried to jump.

Me: Still none of your business.

Hound Dog: THE FUCK!

Aizawa: It is.

Me: Nope take 2.

Hound Dog: You, Usagi, tried to jump.

Me: Yup, is that soo wrong?

Aizawa: *sigh* He is your patient.

Me: I am not.

HOund Dog: You sure about this?

Me: NO. He is kidding. I belong in Tartarus or a prisin so I can end it alredy.

Hound Dog: Wait! What do you mean with end it.

Aizawa: *Sigh*

Me: Get rid of this life, end it, kill myself, finto. You get it or still no?

I could see the dog being flabbergasting as well as quite shocked. Yeah, yeah I got it. I was a villain and I was suicidal not the mix you get by normally. So what? I always had to be special even now. Still don't get why they couldn't just leave me be.

Hound Dog: Do you wanna talk about it?

Me: no.

Aizawa: *sigh*

Before I knew it, I felt someone slapping the back of my head and it hurt. I immediately turned around to see Aizawa shaking his head. Yeah I might deserve that slap but it was still not nice for a hero to do that and I was about to bite back.

Me: The hell! Why did you do that for?

Aizawa: You being unreasonable kid. 

Me: Stop calling me a kid. I have a name I build up.

Aizawa: Usagi?

I hated that name but I wanted people to call me this way so I could be reminded of all the things I did and all the peoples life I took.

Aizawa: Yeah, no chances I will call you that kid.

Hound Dog: I wouldn't either.

Me: Why not?

Aizawa: *sigh*

Hound Dog: Look, you are flinching slightly whenever that name is mentioned.

Me: So what?

Hound Dog: ... is he for real?

That damn dog looked at the hobbo who dared to safe me and got only a shrug back. It was quite obvious that no one knew what was up with my attitude and I wasn't about to explain it since they would for sure try to help me but I really didn't had any thoughts about telling or sharing my pain with them.

Aizawa: *sigh*

Me: Does Nezu know about this?

Hound Dog: That is a good question. Does he?

Aizawa: *sigh* I'll inform him now.

Me: WAIT! You can'T leave me here alone with that mind fucker.

Hound Dog: Excuse me?

Me: Take me with you! I refuse to stay here. I would rather face that chimera.

Aizawa: *sigh* You staying.

Me: NOoooo.

Hound Dog: Kid, I am not gonna bit you.

I was looking at Aizawa and begged him but there was no chance he would do that. He already made his mind and that was final. However the moment Hound Dog said that I turned to him and shot him an evil glanze. I really didn't need this right now.

Hound Dog: That isn't intimidating.

Me: I know. Still... No.

Hound Dog: Whelp, he just left so you staying with me.

Me: Oh come on! This is unfair.

Hound Dog: Oh what is?

Me: All this!

Hound Dog: Indeed. Believe me you are as surprised as I am.

Me: I am pissed because I could have kissed the ground and said goodbye until now.

Hound Dog: You jumped?

Me: Yes and cut tried to get out of his scarf while I was hanging upside down... That thing is really a master pieces.

Hound Dog: .... *sigh*

Me: Huh.. you sigh like him.

Hound Dog: Anyone would.

Me: Come on. I am not that bad.

Hound Dog: True. I had worse- I take it back.

Me: Thought so.

Well one thing was for sure. Eraserhead didn't take all my weapons with him or even tried to get them from me properly. I might have shocked him but I was still a villain. So the first thing I did when I was alone with this dog, I jumped up and went at his throat. I was just happy I wasn't in that scarf anymore. So without saying anything more, I had a dagger at the mind fuckers throat.

Me: How do you open the window?

Hound Dog: The key is on my table.

One look over to the table and I could see it.

Me: Don't move or I'll kill you and then myself... wait that would be quite the good idea wouldn't it?

Not that I want to kill him.

I am sure he helps a lot of kids....

Yeah no.

I am not about to kill him.

I am a villain, Can I die?! (Suicidal Villain Deku)Where stories live. Discover now