A suicidal villain...

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I was still stuck in this scarf thingy and all I wanted to do was just jump. It would have been this easy but nooo. This damn hero had to safe me and now what?

Me: Soooo.... what you gonna do now?

Eraserhead: *sigh* Turn you in.

Me: Great let's do this and I can end this miserable life in a cell. Great plan!

Eraserhead: THE HECK!

I never heard this man scream until now. It was the first ever time I heard a hero scream the heck and looking that dissapointed in me. Normally I had them scream stop or how could you but not this. Besides that people look at me with hate in their eyes and not like him concern it them-

Me: Anyways, can you please do this quikly. I am tired.

Eraserhead: When was the last time you slept?

Me: .... Been a while why?

Eraserhead: *Sigh* Kid, you have circles worse than mine.

Me: Possible.

Eraserhead: ....

Me: Now why you looking at me like that?

Eraserhead: *sigh* You do know who you are?

Me: Usagi and one of the most wanted villains, why?

Eraserhead: And you are here to commit suicide?

Me: Yup. Something wrong with that?

Eraserhead: ... *sigh*

Why do I feel like I am overworking his brain right now?

He is just sighing and looking at me and the edge...

Why is it soo hard to get?

I am a villain, so what?

I am a person too!

I killed a lot of people!

I am regretting it and now I wanna end it!

Is it that hard to understand?

I don't think so. 

And why do I need to explain my reasons exactly?


It's not his damn business!

Me: And what you are gonna do now cause we can stay here all night if you want to. I mean I am free. I don't work like a certain someone.

Eraserhead: *Sigh* 

Me: Can't you just release me?

Eraserhead: No.

Me: Why not?

Eraserhead: You will just go and jump again.

Me: True but I could also grab that dagger or knife or whatver that is around your hips and slit my throat open.

Eraserhead: *Sigh* You staying put.

Without any warning or anything he picked me up but instead of picking me up like a potato sack which I soo would have done and expected he picked me up carefully and princess style before taking off, running towards basically no direction at all. 

I didn't know where he was going but I could tell it wasn't his home because I didn know every heroes home. It was just a wonder that I didn't go after their private life. You know... I might be a villain and sometimes cruel but I was not that cruel to attack them at home at all.

Me: So... where we going?

Eraserhead: UA.


I basically screamed in his ear as he mentioend the school. Out of every place he took me there? That was kinda... what am I saying it was totally unexpected. Why in the world would he bring me to a hero school? I was a villain! I killed people! I killed heroes! I even attacked his class and he taking me there?

Eraserhead: *sigh* Would you mind?

Me: Heck nah!

I immediatelly started struggeling and also hoping for him to just drop me but no! He in contrarry just held me even tighter and I was soo about to scream if not for the fact that it was late, I was damn tired and this man was tired too. There was no need to even make his life even harder than it was.

Eraserhead: You are awefully quiet now.

Me: Why should I make your life harder when you do what you are supposed to do and I am just the stupid one here.

Eraserhead: *Sigh* What happened to you?

Me: Me? Nothing why?'

Eraserhead: You sure are not behaving like a villain.

Me: Do I have to do that to be one?

Eraserhead: Why did you kill then?

Me: One thing came to another and I made bad decissions. It can happen.

Eraserhead: It can happen?

Me: Mh.

I really had no intention on explaining my situation. It was none of this hero business and I could just say he was a good one and he was doing his job but I still couldn't understand why he would bring me to UA at all.

Me: Why are you bringing me to UA?

Eraserhead: Hound Dog to check up on you?

Me: You meant the dog that is fucking with ones mind? No thank you.

Eraserhead: .... *sigh*

Me: What now?

Eraserhead: He is helping people.

Me: Do I look like I need help?

Eraserhead: Yes.

Me: Sorry bad phrazing. Do I look like I want help!

Eraserhead: No...

Me: Then why are you doing this again?

Eraserhead: *Sigh* Because you need it.

Me: *Sigh* Heroes and their red flaggs as well as their damn job.

Eraserhead: *Sigh*

I am a villain, Can I die?! (Suicidal Villain Deku)Where stories live. Discover now