Accelerator episode 7

Depuis le début

"She is really desperate to fix her mistakes, isn't she..." Index mutters, wondering what could cause such a small, weak child to decide to work so hard to fix something she did instead of hiding away like most of the children or teenagers do.

"She really is. Almost too desperate, especially with how easy her will continues to break and how often it has shattered. She is more than willing to give her life to fix them, but that's not necessarily a good thing, considering it means she kind of plans to die at the end." Touma states, recalling an eerily similar person, who acted tougher and tried desperately to get him to stop, but he refused to back down. This girl has no one, except for the soul who has to follow her orders and Accelerator, who's main focus is the Sister's protection.

"I think I can understand her a bit. She's trying desperately to figure out what options she has, but she's extremely limited, with all choices leading to someone's death, and she figures if it has to be anyone's, it may as well be her's, not another poor innocent soul or bystander, certainly not any of the people she's gathered around herself..." Mikoto says, recalling the night where she had tried hard to get Touma to leave, so she could face Accelerator and eventually die, but he wouldn't. This girl only has Accelerator and a fake soul, not the best options, but certainly not the worst.

"Goddamn fuckin pathetic ass brat. She was so down just because of all the life lost, which I could understand, but she's blaming herself like a fuckin idiot. Goddamn, why am I surrounded by noble, good people who almost desperately blame themselves for the mistake of not being fast enough, strong enough, good enough, when they're giving their absolute damn best?" Accelerator growls, and no one can refute him, since they count.

"This isn't going to cut it. Not at all." There are footsteps in the background, getting closer and closer, but she barely reacts to them, so it must not be someone dangerous. She lets out a gasp as she does notice them, raising her head, tears still in the corners of her eyes, revealing the girl she had reincarnated, holding the young Sister from the bag, bridal style, but the girl's head is not on a shoulder, rather slumped back into the air. "Adonai." She's clearly requesting something, and Esther realizes that, closing her eyes as she rubs the back of her head. "Right, ummm..." She offers a hand to her side, clearly indicating where she wants the girl as she speaks, "Lay her down over here." The girl does that, the Sister not reacting to this. The girl sits back, while Esther digs through a pouch on her person, pulling out yet another piece of paper with a symbol on it.

"They finally got her out of the bag, thank god. Is she ok?" Mikoto leans forward like that'll give her a better view, trying to ensure one of her Sisters had not been injured - or heaven forbid - killed without her knowing. Again.

"I'm pretty sure if she's hurt, they'll help her and they'll check her soon, but from what I can tell, she looks perfectly fine, no need to work, child." Heaven soothes, because the girl really does not look injured, simply out from the blow, which might suggest a concussion of some sort since she's been out several long hours at this point, but he can't be certain.

"They're such good kids..." Yomikawa breathes in amusement, recalling the moment she had woken up.

"They really are. I can see why Accelerator would decide to help them." Yoshikawa muses, because though the albino will deny it, he has a soft spot for kids, for certain sweets when the craving hits and for people who are good, noble, forced into bad situations, desperately needing help and getting none. He has been in their position and he refuses to not help, even if he still thinks himself a villain, so he goes about helping without being nice about it, at least not in the eyes of most people.

"What is that paper going to do?" Index asks, tilting her head.

She makes a few motions with her left arm, the right holding the paper, before placing it on the girl's stomach, the paper glowing green and then a circle appearing over her. Fingers reaching out, grabbing the battery from the charger, before reconnecting it to the choker, the light green. The circle hovers a foot or so over the girl, Esther kneeled beside her, arms up, eyes closed, focusing on whatever is being passed on to her. "She's going to be ok. The life force flowing through her body appears largely undisturbed." Accelerator rises from where he was sitting with his crutch, looking weary and sad, an old sadness, one that has had time to fester and grow, never meant to be seen, as well as a bit lost, like he had not planned this far. He moves closer, stopping a few feet away, in order to get a better look at the Sister, though he would never admit it.

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