"Well last year bobby was..."

"Plus it's too late for me, with my record who's gonna want me..." I looked away a tear in my eye. I don't know why people didn't want to adopt me. I was a smart kid, cute too, but it seemed that everyone who talked about adopting me ran away. The mother said there was something wrong with me, I wasn't like the other children. I could lift very heavy things that even some adults couldn't. I had sharper teeth than normal, my cuts and bruises healed so fast it was unbelievable. That's how the mother got away with beating me, though most of the time I wouldn't take it. I would hit her back but then the cops would get involved.

The cop walked over to what we called a mini elevator, I know that wasn't the technical term but it was a place like an elevator only us kids could fit into. "Where does this lead?" He asked the mother.

"To the attic."

"Is there another entrance?"

"Of course, let me take you to it." She smiled at the cop and shot me a dirty look. She had sealed that elevator up with nails but I had broken it off many times and resealed it without her knowing. She led him over to the attics staircase in her office. He walked up the stairs, she wouldn't let us go up however. I sat at the bottom of the staircase waiting for him to bring down all the jewels I had stolen.

"You couldn't find a better place?" John said with a smirk.

"She found every other spot, and I didn't want anyone else taking them." I put my head in my hands. It was only a matter of time before I was taken away to jail again. He came down stairs carrying a handful of bracelets, rings, and necklaces.

"Is this all of them?"

I stood up in front of the cop and let out a sigh. "Yeah that's it," I hung my head. He put the jewelry in an evidence bag. Then roughly grabbed my arm turning me around. In one swift motion the handcuffs were around my wrist.

"Come on, let's get you in the car." He pushed me out the door to the cop car waiting for me outside. There was a couple walking not too far away from me towards the orphanage. They looked so happy together, so content with their life. They looked at me, the woman opened her mouth in shock and the man looked at me in confusion. I gave them a faint smile then the cop shoved my head into the car.

"Hold on a moment!" The man yelled. The cop turned to them before he closed the door. "What is that boy in trouble for?"

"He's a delinquent," that was one I hadn't heard yet, had a nice ring to it, delinquent. "He was caught stealing jewels from downtown, again. This kid has been to jail more than most adults, he's born to be a criminal."

"I don't think so..." The woman said she looked at me with kind eyes and a full hearted smile, it felt like she was looking right through me.

"Well believe it," he was about to close the door when the woman stopped him.

"Did you ask him why he did that?"

"Well no," he looked over his shoulder at me, "Hey kid why did you do it?"

I thought for a moment, I knew why it's just no one ever wanted to know. "I want to get out of here." I said firmly. She looked surprised.

"Well there you go, now if you excuse me I have a job to attend to." He shut the door and got into the car. I watched the couple fade into the distance as the cop drove away. The woman held a small smile, while the man held a face of consern, she waved goodbye to me. It was the most respect I had ever gotten from any adult in my entire life, it felt nice.

I went to court for what I had done, though the whole time I wasn't paying much attention. My lawyer did all the talking, he sucked at his job. He was always too nervous and skittish, he never would stand up for himself. Yet they kept giving me the same guy and every time we lost. When it was over I had to apologize to the store owner again, and I got sentenced to four months in juvie. Which sucked because that would mean I would spend another birthday in jail. July was two months away and with that came my birthday, I was going to set off fireworks this year too. That's right I was an independence day baby, I loved watching the fireworks from my window and the smell they made was amazing.

Control Me (book 1)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora