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DARYL AND HARLEY GOT BACK before noon. The Girl brought the food and whatnot to Olivia, and Daryl brought the weapons they found to the weapons locker. She was on her way back home when Ron stopped her in the street.

"Harley! D'you wanna come over later?

"Is Carl going?" she didn't trust going to Ron's by herself.

"Yeah i just asked him"

"okay, sure"

Harley jogged back to her house where she hoped Carl was. He was sitting on the couch in the front room bouncing Judith on his leg.


He looked up to her.

"your back." he brought Judith's arm up and waved, bent his head down and said in a high pitched voice.


She giggled at them, the redhead leaning against the door frame.

"you going to Ron's later yeah?"

"mhm, you better come with me"

"Yeah yeah... give me her"

she walked over and sat on the couch next to them, Carl handed Jude to her. Harley as per usual bounced and cooed at her.

"How was the run?"

"Good, found some good shit especially for Miss Judy here"

"nice, Don't swear when the child's around"

"apologies father"

"ew, don't call me father"

She chuckled and leaned her head back on the couch, turning to him. Maggie had let herself into the house and entered the room. She cleared her throat to make her presence known. They snapped their heads towards her.

"Im on Judy watch for a bit, give her here" Maggie walked over with her arms out. The redhead stood up and handed the child to Maggie. The Rhee woman turned to leave.

"Have fun, but not too much fun"

"goodbye maggie"


"Ron's in an hour?"

"sure, wanna go up?"

"Yeah, come on"

Harley ran up the stair and Grabbed the book Deanna had lent her from her mini library.

The Perks of being a Wallflower by Steven Chbosky.

The blurb seemed interesting enough so that's what she picked. The Griffin girl layed on the bed when Carl went to the bathroom opened the book and started reading. Just as she turned to the next page Carl opened the bathroom door. He ran and practically jumped on her landing with an umph. Face first into the bed.

"Carl get off"



"will you read to me?"

"If you get off me."

He rolled off her. She opened up the book again and started reading.

"As we were approaching the Fort Pitt tunnel, Sam asked Patrick to pull to the side of the road." She read.

The Grimes boy snuck his head under her arm and snuggled into the crook of her neck trying to read the words as she spoke them. He brought his right arm up and wrapped it around her waist eventually deciding to close his eyes and just listen.

"and in that moment, i swear we were infinite. love always, Charlie. god i love this book"

She kept on reading, deciding to close the book after reading another letter from Charlie. Placing a hand on his head tangling her fingers with his rugged hair and running her hands through. Harley placed the book on the bedside cabinet and brought that hand to stroke his arm around her waist. Closed her eyes and took a deep breath and savored the moment. They both ended up falling asleep. Waking up an hour after.


"hmm" he tightened his grip on her.

"let's go to Ron's, i'm hungry and his mum makes these delicious muffins and i could really go for one right about now."


"come onnnn" she peeled off him and stood up. Grabbing him by the legs and pulling him off the bed. He fell onto the floor.

"ow" Carl groaned.

Harley turned and left. The Grimes boy grabbed his hat and followed.


"Hi Jessie"

"hello you two, the others are upstairs. Would you care for a muffin?"

Jessie held out a tray. The redhead grabbed one and thanked her before dragging Carl upstairs.

"hello beautiful people"

"hello harley, Carl" Ron Greeted.

Carl nodded his head at him. Harley took a bite out of the muffin and hummed in satisfaction. She brought it up to Carls mouth and he took a bite.

"oh my god"

"mhm" she nodded frantically.

A loud crack was heard and they all snapped their heads out the window. One of the towers had fallen.

"shit" Harley ran out and Carl followed, they ran down the stairs and ran out the door.
Walkers were breaking in, hundreds of them.


Rick screamed from near the fallen tower. Ron had run out too and stood behind them. The redhead and brunette shared a glance before getting their guns out and starting to shoot walkers. Harley killed the ones surrounding Carol and picked her up pushing her in the other direction. Killing walkers by the second but they had to get away. There were too many. They found Michonne and ran with her.


"Good, your safe COME ON"

"Michonne was chopping heads and everyone else was shooting, some stabbing. Deanna was hurt, badly. Walkers were surrounding them. Until some were shot creating an opening. It was Jessie.


They ran into her house. Carl grabbed Judith and took her to the kids room Harley followed.
Carl noticed Ron go down to the basement and followed discreetly, Harley behind him once he opened the door.


Ron had his head down on a table.

"Hey... You alright man?"

Harley closed the door behind them.

"Enids dead, we're all dead"

"Look, Carls dad is gonna figure something out, He always does"

"That's Bullshit"

He turned to Carl.

"Your dads just gonna get more people killed, that's who he is, a killer"

"So was yours"

"i'm dead..."


i adore the perks of being a wallflower


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