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HARLEY AND CARL WERE GETTING ready for the party. It was starting in half an hour. Harley threw him some trousers a shirt and flannel.

"here, put these on"

"i think i can dress myself Harls"

"Grimes, whatever you pick will be ugly and uncoordinated don't even try to lie to yourself."

"yeah yeah, i thought i was good at clothes" he mumbled the last part standing up to change.

"now for me"

She spun back around inspecting the drawers in the room. Some of the residents of Alexandria had given them clothes for some reason but Harley and everyone else accepted them gratefully. she found a black turtleneck long sleeve that seemed to be the right thing to wear to a party so she slipped it on. Opting for the only clean pair of trousers she had which actually matched pretty well with the turtleneck.

she spun around to face Carl.


"perfect sire"

"why thank you kind sir"

he sent her a playful wink to which she rolled her eyes. They had 20 minutes left.

"10 minutes comic time?"

"10 minutes comic time"

Carl took off his hat and They both jumped on the bed comic in carls hand. Sat against the headboard Carl turning the comic slightly so they could both read. he rested his head on her shoulder sighing.

The 10 minutes had passed.

"up let's go"

"but i don't wannaaa"

"come on Grimes, you're the one making me go to this stupid party any way"

he jumped up and ran out the door.


she sprinted out following him shouting behind him.


They entered Deanna's house arm in arm in hopes of staying together that night. Harley saw Glenn and Maggie and made her way to them dragging Carl along.

ENDURANCE - CARL GRIMESWhere stories live. Discover now