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RICK AND HIS GROUP HAD just arrived to the gated community of Alexandria. Awaiting entry, Aaron bangs on the gate shouting that it's him and that he's brought people.

The gate starts to open, slowly. Once It opens fully standing right behind it was a woman who seemed to be no older than 60 years old.

"uh, everyone... this is Deanna. She's the leader of Alexandria, the founder. this place wouldn't be the way it is without her.

"oh thank you Aaron, but i'm not the only one doing the work here.
Hello everyone, i would love to welcome you all to alexandria, possibly the safest place you've layed your eyes on in a while. My husband built these walls, designed and all.

Everyone followed Deanna through the gate and came to a halt in front of what look to be bins of some sort. Harley and Carl who were standing side by side, Judith all curled up in Carls arms. They turned their heads and gave each other looks as if asking 'what's all this about'.

"Now, if you may we would really appreciate it if you would place your weapons in these bins. Just a safety precaution."

Everyone placed their guns in the bin but were adamant on giving up their knives and bats and all. Harley in particular. Carl nudged her and she unwillingly placed her knife in the 'knife basket'.
Deanna noticed the uncertain look on Harleys face.

'its only a precaution, we don't really know who you are yet'

Deanna walked closer to the basket and picked up Harley's knife that her mother had given her at the start of this whole situation.

"here, take it it's only really the guns that we're worried about"
"Now, i'm going to have to interview each and every one of you to make sure you're fit to live here. Follow me to my house please.

Walking down the streets of Alexandria everyone was in awe of the large 'clean' houses on each side of them, of the children running around, the happy adults doing normal things.

Some kids energetically waved at the redhead and she waved back with a soft smile. she didn't do that very often. the boy in the sheriffs hat looked to his left at Harley seeing this smile and mirroring her actions watching her.
he decided to speak up.

"hey, you okay? it looks like your frowning upside down i'm slightly scared harls"

Looking to the right towards him she rolled her eyes but kept that same smile on her face.

"oh shut up Grimes, I think I'm allowed to smile I mean look at this place"

"yeah, it's amazing"

Moving towards him and Judith she pushes back a few strands of stray hairs from Judith's sleeping face with her left hand placing her right arm in carls left linking their arms.
looking back towards the houses


Michonne walking behind the three kids also in awe of the place noticed that little interaction the two had and was smiling to herself shaking her head ever so slightly.


Once they reached Deanna's house she opened the front door and ushered them all into the front room.

"Please make yourselves comfortable, I'd like to talk to the leader first, follow me into my office please."

Rick already being the closest to her walks forward into the open door of the room following behind her as she closes the door behind them.


Carl strides towards the nearest couch sitting with Judith still in his lap and admiring his baby sister who he'd missed so dearly.

The redhead walked towards Glenn and Maggie who she loved to refer to as Glaggie and had a small chat with the both of them before she moved towards Daryl who was leaning against the wall leaning right next to him she laid the right side of her arm and head on his left side huffing loudly. He brought his arm up and placed it across her shoulders resting it there.

"y'alright Harls?" asked Daryl lowly his Georgian accent seeming predominantly thicker than usual.

"mhm. just fine Dare, just fine..." She sighed and closed her eyes still leaving against him.

"okay" Daryl brought his hand up and lightly flicked her head leaning his head back against the wall closing his eyes.


Deanna eventually got around to interviewing everyone. much to her dismay pulling the redheads 'body rest' off her when needing to interview Daryl.

She'd left them with two massive houses.
Rick however decided for the first few nights that they should all stay in one house in one room. It's a bit of a squish but they'll manage they always do.

The brunette and redhead found each other once again Judith now being held by Michonne.

Rick was explaining everything he wanted to be done in terms of them sleeping in one room. the back of Harleys head met the hard white wall when she leaned back in boredom.

Carl walked over

The brunettes left hand finding her right clasping together. Something he did when his dad was getting boring or when they felt like it. It was friendly, it didn't mean anything major at least that's what they thought the other did.

Everyone got their things ready for the night and all were either sitting or laying where they would be sleeping.

Harley and Carl were next to each other as per usual. Michonne had handed back Judith but to Harley rather than Carl. The baby was sitting soundly in Harleys lap playing with both Harleys and Carls hands, a finger in each hand.

Deanna entered the front room of the house slightly shocked that they stuck to their pact of sticking together for a bit.

"well you certainly weren't joking about sticking together" laughed Deanna

She left once again and everyone laid down somewhat comfortably.

Harleys back was closest to the wall Carl's back faced the middle of the room with Judith laying quietly sleeping between them. In some ways caging Judith between the two bodies, Carls arm going over Judith's sleeping body and finding Harleys hand in the dark intertwining his fingers with the back of her hand and falling asleep with their Family surrounding them.



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