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اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.


CARL AND HARLEY WERE AWAKEN by the loud cries of Judith. The redhead shooting up from her comfortable position on the floor in fright.
Looking around rapidly not being used to her surroundings. It was still dark out. Her fast paced breathing slowing down gradually once she remembered where she was and who she was with. Her hand still clasped in Carls. She carefully removed it and picked Judith up from between the two and bounced her slightly shushing her quietly.

Judith's loud cries quietened down almost immediately but not quick enough and failed at letting everyone sleep. Michonne sat up from her place near the children and stood up walking towards them.

"here, let me have her. I've been awake for a while." whispered the woman smiling for a second.


Harley handed the now calm baby to Michonne and returned to her place on the floor next to Carl. Laying, without a doubt much closer to him than before.
She brought her left hand to his sleeping face and brushed the stray strands of hair that found themselves covering the whole left side of his face back behind his ear resting her hand on his cheek for a little while longer before removing it and placing it against her other hand and placing her head upon them.

The young brunette stirred in his sleep bringing his arm up and unknowingly placing it on The redhead's waist pulling her closer to him and cuddling up to her. Seconds later his mouth opened up once again and he began lightly snoring, obviously comfortable.

This didn't go unnoticed by Harley but she didn't mind, admiring the features that were more defined due to the close proximity of their faces. She brought her left hand back up and laid it over the arm around her waist closing her eyes once more and sighing in comfort.


"Harley, Harls wake up... helloo yoohoo."
"good morning" smiled the Grimes boy once she opened her eyes.

"ugh, morning" she whisper-groaned.

"come one we gotta get up"


"Because we need to earn our stay here and sleeping won't do much help."

"fuck off, i'm tired... and comfortable"

"Yeah i'd much rather stay here with you but you don't see me complaining. My dads gonna yell at us if we don't get up soon."

"ugh fine, only because i've heard enough of Rick yelling" Harley replied sitting up and looking around with squinted eyes.

Almost everyone was gone except for Maggie and Glenn who seemed to have just gotten up as well.


"good morning harls" glenn said with a smile.

"right, we gotta go come on"

"ughh, fuck off" the redhead groaned and got up, carl doing just the same.

"come on" Carl laughed and started walking towards the kitchen.

Reluctantly Harley followed.


Most were sitting at the table in the centre of the room some drinking what looked like tea and

"coffee? Good afternoon you two nice to see you finally up" Rick spoke out to the two with a smile.

"oh hush, we all needed that"

"yeah, yeah come 'ere eat" daryl pushed a bowl of what looked like cereal and "milk? oh my god"

"cool right!" sasha exclaimed

"very" The ginger huffed out with a smile.

Grabbing a cup of coffee from Carol and sitting down next to Daryl at the table she picked up a spoon and started stuffing her face with the cereal milk running down her chin.

"mm... MMM, this is so good"

Carl plopping next to her chuckled while bringing his hand up to wipe the milk off her chin.

"jesus Harls slow down"

"thank you" the pale girl hummed with her mouth still full of cereal.


"these people seem so be somewhat trustworthy so i think it'll be okay if tomorrow night we disperse between the two houses but we need to earn our keep. we aren't going to be staying here for free, we need to help out in some ways" Rick spoke out to everyone.

everyone nodded in agreement.

"let's all get ready and decide where we all are gonna be staying."

An array of okays and sure's were heard before everyone went off to do their own thing Carl and Harley staying behind a little longer to finish their breakfast.

"you'll stay with me right?"

"what? yeah ofcourse"


ENDURANCE - CARL GRIMESحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن