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2 years after graduation

mike and will were sitting on the couch, tv playing but they were focused on each other, mikes hand still on the ring nancy gave back to him before leaving after telling her to keep it safe cause he knew he'd probably loose it.

after situating into their new apartment they got with money that they were both planning on saving for college, neither one ended up attending. mike got a job in a music store and will getting a job as a freelance artist.

mike had been planning on what to say to will when he proposes, thinking on a conversation they had years ago.

"hey," mike said.

"are you okay?" will said. you can tell by his face that he cares for his best friend.

"im okay, really." mike said smiling.

"okay, nancy said you needed to talk?" will brought up.

"yeah, come sit," the older boy said patting the seat next to him ans will sits down.

"there's this feeling i have, it's eating me up, i feel like i'm going crazy, it's like I'm losing my mind."

"yeah, sometimes i feel like i'm going crazy too." will said

"hey, well, if we're both going crazy, then we'll go crazy together, right?"

"yeah, crazy together." will said. both boys smiling.

mike smiled fondly at that memory.

"what are you smiling about, love?" will asked.

"nothing, nothing, just, um a memory of when we were kids, that's all." mike said, the smile still on his face when he snuggles closer to the shorter boy.

"hey, will,"


"i love you, so much."

it wasn't not normal for mike to randomly tell him he loves him, it's actually a pretty regular thing, but something about this time seems different.

"i love you too, is everything alright?"

"everything is more than alright. earlier nancy called me, and said her and robin got engaged, and i'm so proud. i was wrong about nancy not going to do it, she actually proposed to robin. anyway, it got me thinking." mike said, taking a deep breath, reaching for the box with the ring. "i have known you since we were 6. when i first met you, we were these lonely kids, we had no idea about anything in life. when i asked you to be my friend, and you said yes, i was ecstatic. i had no idea how much of an impact you would have on my life. they say love makes you crazy, and william byers, i am so crazy for you." mike said as he dropped on one knee. "will you make me the happiest person on earth, and take my hand in marriage?"

will was shocked, not in a bad way, no. his heart was beating fast and his face was red, he didn't realise he started crying a bit. "y-yeah, yes, i would love to marry you." he finally said, helping mike get up and put the ring on his finger.

will pulled the freckled boy in for a kiss, both of them smiling into it. even after the hundreds of kisses they shared, they both still get the butterflies and sparks the novels talk about.

the end hahahaha you're welcome

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