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"you know, we actually didn't watch scary movies like we were planning on it." mike pointed out.

"yeah, i mean it's still early though," dustin said. "what should we watch?"

"hmm, a nightmare on elm street?" max suggested.

"yeah, sure." mike agreed and put the movie on.

during some parts of the movie mike pretended to get scared just to hold wills hand. he knows he doesn't have to, he can just do it whenever, but he knows that will likes it when he feels useful.

"max," jane said to the ginger girl sitting by her.


"they're holding hands." she points out.

"after the truth or dare game, it should be obvious that they're dating. you even asked him directly if he was in love." she recaps.

"isn't he also in love with lucas? that's also what he said."

"it was sarcasm, jane."


they watched a nightmare on elm street, the shining, and underwater.

it was well past 11pm when everyone went home. mike was heading to his room when ted decided to actually talk with him.

"did you and your friends have fun, son?"

"yeah. i'm going to bed goodnight." mike said as he walked to his room.

the next day, mike was woke up by a knock on his door.

"wake up michael, breakfast is ready." he hears his mom say.

"yeah, yeah. i'll be down in a second." he responds. his voice is always deeper in the morning.

when he goes downstairs to sit at the table mike was the first one to speak up.

"so uh, i have um, something to uh, say." he says nervously, his leg starts bouncing. nancy takes notice and puts her hand on his leg to stop it.

"what is it, michael?" karen wonders.

"are you going to do it, mike?" nancy asks, mike nodding his head as an answer.

"do what?" ted says, mouth full of his pancake.

"there's something i um, have to tell you guys. i don't want you thinking any different of me after what i'm about to say."

his parents and holly look at him waiting to continue. he's not so worried about holly and karen's reaction, it's his fathers.

he must have not said anything for a little while cause he hears his dad say, "come on michael we don't have all day."

"r-right s-sorry," he says, looking at nancy for reassurance to which she nods her head, incouraging him to continue. "i-i'm gay."

his parents didn't say anything, which for him, was worse than his parents saying they don't support him, holly gives him a hug and tells him she loves him.

"i need to get to work." is all ted says and he leaves.

"i'm going to swim lessons." karen says.

"mom it's too cold to swim, it's april." nancy says, giving mike an apologetic look.

"i'm not hungry anymore." mike says and storms into his room.

"will, do you copy? over." mike says over his walkie talkie.

"yeah, what's up? you sound upset. over."

"i-i did it will. i told my parents." mike says and sniffles.

"i would say that's great but it sounds like you're about to cry. so i'm guessing it didn't go so well."

there wasn't a response from mike.

"mike? are you there? over."

"yeah," mike said, his voice cracking a bit, "i'm still here. over."

"here, come to my house, okay."

"okay. over and out."

mike rides his bike to wills house, not bothering with knocking. he's been to his house so many times since kindergarten it's practically his second home.

"oh, hey mike. wasn't expecting you to be here." jonathan says.

"hey jonathan, see you broke up with my sister huh?" mike said.

"oh, um, yeah, it was mutual."

"i see." mike says, eyeing steve right next to him.

"it's not what it looks like i swear." steve says

"yeah, okay mom." mike says with a smile.

steve must have sensed something was wrong cause he asks, "hey, mike, are you okay?"

"yeah, why, do i not look okay?"

"no, you don't, your eyes are all puffy and red, and you have snot dripping down your nose." jonathan says, handing mike a tissue.

"it's uh, allergies." mike lies.

before anyone else can respond, will comes into the living room and hugs mike tightly, making mike feel better.

"hey, darling." mike said.

"hey," will said smiling, to which mike can't help but to smile back. he's so in love with the green eyed cutey.

"you okay?" the shorter boy asked, hugging tighter.

mike didn't respond, he just let a single tear fall from his eye.

"do they know yet?" mike asked, still hugging his boyfriend.

"yeah, i told them. mom and jonathan were pretty supportive." will responds.

they finally let go of the hug. mike always feels better after being around will. it's like he can magically heal you.

"awww." both steve and jonathan say at the same time.

"oh shut up," will says blushing. "wanna go to my room?" he asks looking at mike

"yeah, sure."

"okay keep the door open though." jonathan says.

"yeah, whatever." mike laughs, causing everyone else in the room to laugh as well, and the two boys head up to the shorter boys room

"what did they say?" will asks, changing the mood of the room.

"they basically ignored it. my dad said he was going to work and my mom said she was going to go to swimming lessons when it's a bit too cold to do that cause it's april." mike said after some silence.

"oh, mike, i am so sorry." will said, putting his hands on the taller boys face.

"it's fine, love." mike replies, takings wills hands off his face and putting his hands into his own, interlocking their fingers.

so anyway, yeah. karen and ted suck <3 (i mean probably so does this chapter but yeah) okay byeee

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