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weeks have gone by, everything's going well. really really well. almost too well.

the relationship is still a secret, except nancy and jonathan now knows and will is planning to come out to joyce, they don't wanna have high hopes that joyce will be supportive, but mike has a feeling that she will be. he's known the byers since kindergarten when he saw will on the swings alone.

on a monday at school, mike and will was lowkey flirting, it was really only noticeable if you know they're dating cause other than that it just looks like they're play fighting (which is how they flirt).

"well if it isn't the freak show." a very familar voice is heard, mike visibly cringing, having flashbacks about that day when lucas beat troy up.

"why are you so obsessed with us? we don't bother you but you come in here and talk to us, you're supposed to hate us." max states.

"and you're the only girl, do you think one of them will date you? they're fairies. you have no chance with them." troy laughs.

"it sounds like you're projecting. you talk like you can pull any of these girls but have you even had a first kiss? you and james look awfully coupley." max retorts. her blue eyes glaring at the two bullies.

they stay silent and james pulls troy whispering "let's just go."

max gives them a sarcastic smile. they all know it isn't over, but for now, they can live their lives as normal kids even if it's only for a few minutes.

"y'know, max, i think he was scared." lucas said.

"it looked like he was gonna piss his pants." mike laughed.

these 5 kids? they're like a family to each other, cause in some way, their households are disfunctional, so they take comfort in knowing they're not alone in this world.

the day went by pretty fast and was good for the most part, the only thing that was not so great, but really not out of the ordinary is troy and his pet terrorising the 'freaks.'

"guys," dustin speaks out, in the midst of the silence in the basement of mike wheelers house, their hangout spot. "it's almost summer, what do you guys wanna do?"

"we have a whole month, dustin, there's a lot of time left to plan what we can do. plus 3 months of summer to do it. chill." max says.

"hey, i know that it'd probably stupid but we can invite that one girl over to hang out, what's her name?" mike says, pausing to remember her name.

"jane?" max says, it sounding like a question but it was a statement. max won't tell anyone but she's been.. talking to her.

"yeah, her. she seems interesting, i wouldn't mind there being another person in the party." mike says. if you didn't know he was gay, it would probably sound like he has a crush on the girl, even tho there has been no communication, so if you thought he has a crush, you're stupid.

"can't we just play d&d please?" will practically begs.

"of course, darling. we can play." mike says in a soft tone, his dark brown eyes looking into green ones. ones that remind you of the forest, trees, nature. ones that you can get lost in easily.

"i-i don't know how to play." max admits.

"don't worry we can teach you." mike says, not taking his gaze away from the boy he's in love with.

"mike, you're staring again." dustin calls him out.

"always ruining the moment bro." lucas says, smaking dustin in the chest, a small 'ow' coming from the curly haired boy.

mike looks away from will, but not before planting a kiss on his forehead, making the shorter boy blush and "aw"'s coming from their friends which made the one with freckled skin blush too.

"okay, well, let's teach max how to play. not gonna lie, i missed playing with you guys. i hope it stays like this forever. just us, maybe jane, but this party, all of us. growing up together, staying best friends, throughout high school, throughout college if we go, through all of everything. nothing can keep this group apart." mike said. wholeheartedly. he loves his friends.

and he thinks nothing will change that.

i haven't updated in a while. sorry. um also sorry if this didn't make sense. if it doesn't i'll rewrite it. just tell me what doesn't make sense and i'll try to make it make sense. okay bye <3

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