Chapter 13:

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Louis POV:
I went home and got out of the itchy tux. I had dressing up but today, it was worth it.

I texted Zayn and decided to tell him about her:

Hey mate! I just asked out Ginger. I was romantic like you said to be. Dressed up, got her flowers and everything. She is coming over later tonight.

Glad for you mate! Now all those gay rumors can be put to rest because what gay guy would have a girlfriend?

The gay ones like me. I like Ginger and all but, mainly she is to get rid of Harry. If Harry can move on, so can I. Just that fast.

Yeah. I know. She should be coming over in about an hour. How was practice, though?

Well. That Harry guy is pretty cool. He is nice but I'm not so sure about him. Like, I always see him talking to this one gay guy, Liam. Not sure if anything is going on there or not.

There is... I caught him and Liam... Ew... Kissing behind the school. That's why he was late. He is gay so just be careful around him. Lol

Yeah! Aha! Can I come over and play Xbox with you?

Sure only a few minutes though because Ginger is coming.

That's cool. She can play with us.

Ha ha. You're funny. Hurry and get your ass over here before you have to leave again.

Ok I'll be there in ten.

After that, ten minutes later, he was at the front door.

"Could someone tell Zayn to come upstairs?" I call down to the maids and few butlers.

"Yes, Mister Louis" reply a few. I go into my room and turn on my Xbox. I put in Black Ops 2 (our favorite game) and set up a match for us.

A few minutes later a knock comes in my door, "Come in, mate" I chuckle, "Everything is all set up."

The door cracks open and a head pops in. Harrys head. I jump, "Why the hell are you here?!"

"I came to apologize" he says, "Can I come in?"

I bite my lip. I really want him to come in so I can feel what it's like to kiss him again but I know if Zayn comes and sees us, we won't be friends, "No" I say.

Harry frowns, "Louis, I won't start anything, I promise. I just want to talk to you. You know. About um, Liam."

I sigh, "You've got three minutes. Make it quick because Zayn is coming over and I don't want you here when he does" I say.

He nods, "I saw your face when Liam told you we are dating. And I know you are a little jealous" he says.

I chuckle, "Jealous? You said it yourself! I'm not interested in you. I never was. You were just a bounce back from Eleanor, ok?"

"I see. But when we kissed in here the other night, you and El were still together. Explain that" he says and steps into the room farther.

I swallow, "Yeah, that's because I knew I was going to break up with her anyways" I lie.

He rolls his eyes, "Louis, I know you like me" he says smiling, "And I would be lying if I told you I didn't feel the same."

I sigh and pull him in. I close the door and lock it, "Listen, yes, I have feelings for you Harry but I can't let anyone find out. I can't be turning gay! I'm straight" I say, trying to convince myself more than him.

"If your weren't gay, you wouldn't have feelings for me, would you?"

I swallow, "I have a girlfriend now, though" I inform him.


"Ginger... She is new to the school but I've known her before she came. She was the girl at my uncles restaurant" I tell him.

"Right, and I have a boyfriend. But we can make us work, don't you think?" he asks stepping towards me.

"Yeah... Wait no. Harry, yes I like you. Man do I like you but I can't cheat on Ginger with a boy and you can't cheat on Liam" I say.

"But I figured we could keep it a secret. You're telling me how much you like me, but why can't we be together? Why, Louis?"

"Well I don't know! Maybe if I was a looser no one cared about like you, I wouldn't mind being gay but I'm popular. I have a reputation" I say.

Harrys eyes start to water, "You think I'm a looser?"

"Harry, I didn't mean it that way" I say and he steps backwards.

"No, Louis you meant it. You don't like me! Why do you do this?! You lead me on then knock me down. I'm getting up this time and walking away. I'm never going to look back, Louis. That was the last straw. Have fun with Zayn and Ginger and your popular friends. No, popular people because you don't know what a friend is. You never will unless you stop trying to become the most perfect guy in school. When you realize that your reputation doesn't mean shit it the real world, tell me and then I'll consider being your friend. Other than that, don't talk to me. I'm quitting tutoring. I'm quitting football. Have fun with your perfect life and forget about my looser life. Thanks for nothing you ass hole" he says furiously and leaves, slamming the door behind him.

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