Chapter 3:

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Louis POV:
I walk up to the poor family and they smile seeing me and Harry, "Hello there" I smile.

"Hi... Can we help you?" asks the man.

"No but I think I can help you, here" I smile and hand the fifty pounds to him.

His eyes widen seeing the amount, "Oh no! I can't take this from you" he says trying to hand it back.

"Don't worry! It's ok! I'm happy to give it to you. Spend it wisely on you and your family" I smile and step back.

They look between Harry and I, "Well thank you for being so nice to us four" says the mother and Harry groans.

I'm surprised at how rude Harry is acting but I just dismiss it.

"Wait, four?" I ask catching that there's only three of them.

"That's right, me, my lovely wife here, my daughter and my son, your friend Harry" he says pointing at Harry.

I nearly faint. Harry is homeless?!

I look over at Harry and his sister runs over to him and hugs him tightly, "Harry, papa bought us some apples and bananas from that supermarket down the road" she says excitedly and bites into an apple.

He smiles and looks sternly at his father who shrugs him off, "Thank you for being so kind to us" the man says, "Really, we appreciate it."

"... Anything to help a friend" I say softly, looking over at Harry.

"I was wondering if you guys wanted to go to a restaurant and have dinner with me" I offer.

Harry shakes his head and so does his dad, "I don't think we are dressed appropriately to go to dinner" he says, "But thank you."

I look at their clothes. They aren't as bad as they think. They obviously got them from a homeless shelter.

"No, your dressed fine!" I say, "I only have four extra seats. I'll drive you."

His father looks back at the family and the girls are smiling and nodding, "Ok, and we can pay with the fifty pounds you gave us..." He says.

"That's not necessary, it's on me" I smirk, knowing I wouldn't have to pay anyways.

"Son, five meals is a lot to pay for" he says.

"Good thing I don't have to pay" I say, "The restaurant I'm planning to go to, my uncle owns. He lets my friends and I eat free there all the time."

He nods, "As long as it's no big deal. These kids need an actual meal in there stomachs" he says.

"Then to my car!" I exclaim.

Harry's sister laughs and pretends to be an airplane and fly to my car. I come behind her and pick her up and 'fly' her to the car.

"Wooooo!!!" she laughs happily. I put her down and open the door and she hops in. Harry gets in behind her but I grab the back of his shirt, "Mind sitting in the front with me, mate?"

He nods and gets into the front.

After everyone piles in, I start the car and drive to my uncles restaurant.

"So, I'm sorry, I didn't catch you name, love" asks him mum.

"I'm Louis Tomlinson" I smile, "Who's the cutie in the back?"

Harrys sister smiles and blushes. Her mum bumps her side, "Claire" she squeaks.

"Claire! That's a beautiful name!" I smile and Harry puts his hand on his forehead, "Lighten up, Harry! Just meeting your family!" I chuckle and rub his leg but then stop, figuring that was too weird and gay.

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