TFP! Megatron x Human! Reader

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         ➪          ,,GN! reader,, platonic relationship

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         ,,GN! reader,, platonic relationship

         ,, reader is seen "talking" to an autobot andbis taken in for questioning by decepticon,, reader is an idiot

         ,, TW!! ,, kidnapping

        ,, word count,, 1176

•  retiring from the united states department of defense after a severe injury, you had opted to finally settle down and build the business you had originally planned on having before enlisting yourself into the army

• coming back to your hometown, jasper navada, had been the easiest decision you had made in years. the small coffee shop you now owned at the center of the small town in the shopping district was always busy with customers

• one of your regular customers was a nurse at the local hospital, ms. june darby, and she would stop by every morning before her work shift and order a strong but sweet drink

• occasionally her son would accompany her on her days off and they were always a pleasure to serve- however it seemed quite strange that they would arrive separately even when coming from the same home

• for some strange reason you always felt like the darby son's motorbike was watching

• one fateful Saturday morning during the autumn chill, you were marching across the parking lot with tradh bags slug across your shoulder

• when very distinct purple cars circling your business distracted you from walking in a straight line, you managed to walk right into the darby boy's bike and knock it over

• with a gasp you dropped you bags and hauled it back up, putting the kickstand back in place and apologizing profusely as if it could hear and understand you

• the purple cars took a sharp left around the corner and that was the last you had seen of them

• you managed to throw the trash bags in the dumpster before making your way back inside after giving the bike another guilty look a praying you hadn't dented the obviously expensive vehicle

• walking straight up to the two darbys at their usual table. "hello jack," you breathed, unsure how to tell this poor kid how you knocked over his prize possession, but you did

• "if you find any damages please call me and i will pay for them as soon as i can, i am so sorry i should have been paying attention"

• "no need LN," he had said rather kindly, "she- I have a personal mechanic friend who will buff her out if theres anything, no need to worry!"

• june gave him a look at his fumble of words but smiled back at you, "thank you for letting us know," and then added "are you going to be open next monday? my coworkers and i need a place to have monthly meetings and the place we usually visit is going out of business"

• with a nod and a few more exchanges, plus several more appologies to the teen, you left to do the rest of the days work before closing the shop

• the next day you had driven up to your little coffee shop and had walked halfway up to the front doors with your keys in you hand when one of those purple cars you had seen the day before sped up behind you

• you gripped the keys tighter, remembering your training from your previous job, and spun around, ready to fight this rich asshole and his rish asshile car

• however, the last thing you expected when to door swung open was for it to be utterly empty

• and then, even more shocking when the seat belts inside of the car lunged at you

• wraping intself around your arms. locking them in place, and your inside, where you flew to the other side of car, face first in the driver's window

• you managed to register the pain enveloping your forehead before promptly passing out

• when you woke, you did so with a massive migraine, and your were internally thankful that whoever who decided to kidnap you with their remote-control car had the decency to dim the lights

• after a few moments on just trying to fully wake up your limbs, you managed to reasing you were moving- someone was carrying you

• you sat up and immediately regretted it when everything around you started swim and your head started to sway

• blinking away the nausea and clenching your jaw shut, you finally were able to look at where you were and who was carrying you so effortlessly

• it was a robot

• you were in the hand of a giant metal beast with a red 'v' on its face that glowed

• it wasnt looking at you, rather ahead as it continued to march down a dimmly lit hallway built for titains, and you passed so many more that looked just like him

• it wasnt looking at you, rather ahead as it continued to march down a dimmly lit hallway built for titains, and you passed so many more that looked just like him

• you gulped, clenching your fists and wincing when the points of the keys dug into your skin

• you still had your keys!!!

• probably wouldnt help much against robots bigger than your house though

• thinking about just jumping out of the things palm came to mind, but peering over the side of its hand and look down was enough to convince you "nope"

• during your interal panic you didnt notice that the robot had stopped walking

• whipping you head in all directions trying to find a way out of whatever the fuck this was

• the robots arm extended in front of him with in his hand, raising it higher "the human seen conversing with the autobot arcee," he announced and you froze

• you turned your head slowly to met with a silver chest,, level with what you would assume was maybe the bottom of a rib cage,, slowly your eyes traveled up, and up, and up

• and when your eyes met with the scariest thing you had ever seen in your god damn life, your sleep deprived and adrenaline running body jumped to your feet in the robot's hand and

• you threw your keys at his face

• yes because throwing your keys at it was the most logical solution (tbf it is like 7am and youve already been knocked unconscious and kidnapped by robots so logic isn't really at the forefront of your brain atm)

• a clang on metal on metal echoed in the room, and then you realized that the was filled with even more robots and they all stopped and stared,  the ones that had faces looked gobsmacked as their jaws dropped

• it hit him square in the middle of his face, and then the soft gingle of the keys hitting each other as they fell one hundred feet to the ground

• the much larger and silver robot's face twitched as anger began to build in his expression

• trying to save your sorry ass, you open your mouth in attempt to apologize before he decided to kill you

• "sorry, i havent had coffee yet"

• which then began a very alien friendship with two sleep deprived soldiers

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