"Sophia" Steven calls still looking for her.
"Sophia's not here." She replies quietly.
Noticing her he goes over and sits down next to her and replies "Okay well, I'll just talk to this Sophia shaped box instead."
"If you have to." Sophia says quietly.
"What's wrong sweetheart?" He asks.
In an upset tone she replies "I think Spinel is mad at me."
"Why would she be mad at you? You haven't seen her since the beginning of the summer." He asks
"I don't know. But I saw her today I guess she was here cause of the party. And she said that White told her that she wasn't allowed to talk to me because my gem was defective. And that makes me feel like a disappointment because I have a gem but I don't have any powers. People expect me to be just like you and I'm not. You saved the world and the entire galaxy.  You're Steven Universe. How am I supposed to be like you if my gem is defective?" She answers as tears start rolling down her face.
"Sophia listen to me, You do not have to be exactly like me. In fact you're not and I love that about you."Steven says as he lifts Sophia's head so her eyes meet his and he wipes her tears away.
"Really?" Sophia asks as a smile comes across her face.
"Yes, I love that you get to be your own person regardless of what other people say or think. I didn't get that choice. My mom was Pi-Rose Quartz. The same Rose Quartz that started gem war. Anyway what I'm trying to say is I don't care that you don't have powers. You are my Daughter and  I love you just the way you are." He answers.
"Thanks Dad." She says as she gives him a hug.
"No Problem Soph. And Let me handle the Spinel/White Diamond situation okay?" Steven says as he returns the hug.
"Okay Dad." She replies. "Now let's go have fun." He says helping his daughter up. Then the pair and Lion go back to the others.

(Time jump brought to you by the great & lovable Peridot!)
Sadie and Shep had. Just finished performing and the crowd was cheering

Sadie starts to speak "Thank you! You've been an amazing audience tonight! Before you all go we have a little surprise. I'd like to introduce so  Sophia Universe singing her own original song called 'If only'! Sadie walks off the stage and hands a microphone to Sophia. Then she makes her way to center stage. The white lights change to pink and purple as music starts and she starts to sing.
A million thoughts in my head
Should I let my heart keep listening
'Cause up 'til now I've walked the line
Nothing lost but something missing
I can't decide what's wrong, what's right
Which way should I go
If only I knew what my heart was telling me. Don't know what I'm feeling
Is this just a dream? Ah oh, yeah
If only I could read the signs in front of me. I could find the way to who I'm meant to be Ah oh, if only
If only
If only
Every step, every word
With every hour I am falling in
To something new, something brave
To someone I, I have never been
I can't decide what's wrong, what's right
Which way should I go.

If only I knew what my heart was telling me don't know what I'm feeling
Is this just a dream? Ah oh, yeah
If only I could read the signs in front of me I could find the way to who I'm meant to be Ah oh, if only. Yeah

Am I crazy? Maybe we could happen!
Will you still be with me when the 'magic's' all run out?

If only I knew what my heart was telling me Don't know what I'm feeling
Is this just a dream?
Ah oh
If only I could read the signs in front of me. I could find the way to who I'm meant to be. Ah oh.
If only, yeah
If only, yeah
If only, yeah
If only, yeah
If only
If only

The Crowd goes wild. Steven & Connie couldn't be more proud and neither could Greg or the Gems. Sophia comes through the crowd to her family.
"Sophia! You didn't tell me you wrote a song. It was incredible!" Steven says as he hugs his daughter.
"You were amazing sweetheart!" Connie adds.
Then Amethyst tackles sophia while wrapping her in a hug yells "Dude! That was AMAZING!!!!"
"I guess you guys liked it, huh?" Sophia says with a smile.
Placing her hand on Sophia's shoulder Garnet says "We loved it!"
"Well I'm glad that I could surprise you guys." Sophia replies.
"Speaking of surprise's we have two for you!" Bismuth says with a smile.
"Really?" Sophia asks.
"Yes! But we need to go to my forge. Come on." Bismuth answers. The group goes to Bismuth's forge. Once they're all inside.
"Okay so your first surprise is from all of us." Steven says as he hands her a little box and she opens it and sees a silver chain with a little silver star  hanging on it.
"Oh My Stars! This is amazing! I love it. Thank you!" Sophia says with a smile.
Everyone replies "You're Welcome!"

Pearl who is now holding a rectangular box says to Sophia "This is from your Aunt Bismuth & I."
She hands the box to Sophia and she opens it.
she opens the box and sees a sword in a scabbard? She looks up at her aunt's and they're smiling back at her.
"You can take it out. Just be careful." Peal says with a smile.  Sophia looks back at the sword and picks it up. She takes off the scabbard and stars appear in her eyes. The sword was beautiful. It didn't look like any sword she'd ever seen.

(⬆️ the details on the blade are tiny stars!)"We figured that since you're learning how to sword fight that you might as well learn with your own sword

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(⬆️ the details on the blade are tiny stars!)
"We figured that since you're learning how to sword fight that you might as well learn with your own sword." Bismuth says with a smile.
"We hope you like it." Pearl adds.
"It's perfect! Thank you so much!" Sophia responds as she hugs the couple as they reply "you're welcome."
Sophia put her new sword back into it's scabbard. Walk over to lion takes a deep breath and disappears it to lions mane a few seconds later she pops back out everyone's shocked.
"What? I put it in there for safekeeping." She says breaking the silence.
"How long have you been able to do that?" Steven asks. "Since I was like 6. You can't breathe in there though. And there's a tree that looks like it's from the savanna it has a lot of stuff around it and there's a Portrait of someone who looks like your description of Grandma Rose. And there's another that looks like it could be from somewhere around here." Sophia answers.
"Yeah I know. That other tree is a marker for the portal to your uncle Lars" Steven replies.
"You store things in there too?!" Sophia asks excitedly. "yes" Steven answers.
Then the realization hits her it upsets her and she says "Wait, did you say that there's a portal to Uncle Lars through lion?!?"
Steven hesitantly replies "Yes"
Trying to reason with her Steven says "Sophia you were five years old you couldn't -"
Sophia who's now fighting back rivers of tears snaps back "I couldn't what? remember. Well I remembered enough to sit by my window every night that he wasn't on earth telling him about my day before I went to bed even though I knew he couldn't hear me cause I missed him so much. And your telling me I could have seen him the ENTIRE TIME!"  She makes her way over to the doorway as she continues "I hope you're happy! I'll be at home! Come on lion." She Angrily leaves Bismuth's forge tears in her eyes and Lion follows.
"Sophia wait!" Steven tries to call after her.
"Wow! She is mad at you!" Amethyst says in a joking tone.
"Amethyst!" Pearl scolds.
"what?" Amethyst replies.
"Amethyst's right though. It takes a lot to upset her we all know that. Unless she's overstimulated or overwhelmed by something that's bothering her. But I've never ever seen her that angry before. That was kinda scary. Shouldn't we go make sure she's okay?" Lapis says in a worried tone.
"Exactly! That's why I'm going after her." Steven replies in a serious tone.
Grabbing his hand and stopping him Connie says "Steven no, let's go home & just give her some time to cool down."
"Are you sure like Lapis just said it takes a lot to upset her." Amethyst asks in a now worried tone.
Placing her hand on Amethyst's shoulder Garnet responds "Yes, she's sure. Sophia just needs time to calm down. She'll be okay... Eventually."

Granddaughter Of A Diamond (a Steven Universe Fan Fiction)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu