Chapter 1- Another day at work.

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Just another day at work. I'm now cleaning one of the last tables before my break. I swear this day has gone so slow. This morning my step mother well soon to be step mother woke me up at stupid o'clock in the morning to polish her shoes for the event tonight. Tonight there's a gambling night with performances. Mary's dancing with Jackson her dance partner practicing for tonight. I'm broken out of my thoughts when someone calls me.
"Speedy?!" Mary call. Speedy is my nickname only dad and Mary calls me. I got that nickname because I was a fast learner in dance class. Since my mother was a dancer I guess it got passed down to me.
"Hey Needy. What's up?" I call her Needy cause she always wants the gossip.
"So are you working tonight please tell me no." She beg.
"I'm nearly on my break we can talk then." I say carrying my tray over to the bar. 
"So that's a no." She pout. I walk behind the bar and put the empty glasses in the washer.
"I'm sorry but Sloan's not in today so I have to cover." I say.
"Can't your father get anyone else in." She ask.
"If he could I wouldn't be here now would I." I smile. She roll her eyes at me.
"Please Speedy." She wine.
"No Needy." I demand.
"Fine. I better get back to rehearsal." She sigh.
"You better. You need to practice so you don't mess up when you go for the three step after the lift." I say.
"Your right bye." She say. I laugh. I always help her with dancing. I did try and give up dancing but it always calls me back so instead of dancing I help her. Ever since my mother died my family and the whole casino lost a big part of its heart. She loves dancing and so did I that's why I gave it up because it makes me feel closer to her and I can't bear the fact that I don't have her anymore.
"M don't forget your dress tonight?!" I shout. She always forgets things. I hear her shout back a 'thank you'. I lightly chuckle at her.
"Hey Brooke." Noah call.
"Hey Noah." I say.
"You covering today." He say placing a few drinks on a tray.
"Yep. Let's hope tonight we won't have to much trouble." I breath a laugh. He laugh with me. I pick up the empty tray and my cloth and start walking around picking up the empty glasses.
"Excuse me miss I asked for a martini not an espresso martini." Some woman tells me.
"Oh I'm so sorry I'll go get you your correct drink." I say taking the glass out of her hands.
"And a refund please." She say.
"And a refund." I nod my head. I go to the bar and make a new martini. I go to the till and open the tray and grab the right amount of money for the refund. I take it back to her.
"Here's you drink and your refund. I'm so sorry for the mishap." I smile.
"It better not happen again." She say with a side look.
"We'll try our best." I say. I turn around and walk away. I put the tray down on the rack and I make my way to the backstage where Mary is.
"Needy you in here." I call.
"No but I am." I hear someone say.
"Who's there I have fists and I'm not afraid to use them." I say with a little laugh at the end.
"It's me Jackson don't punch." He say coming out behind me. I turn around on the balls of my feet to face him.
"Oh hey." I say.
"Did you need anything?" He ask walking past me.
"I'm looking for Needy." I say.
"Who?" He ask. I don't talk to Jackson much so I'm guessing he has no idea I call Mary needy.
"Sorry Mary I mean." I quickly apologise.
"Uh she had to go run some errands. Can I help with anything?" He say shrugging.
"Um no thanks I just wanted to come and annoy her." I smile.
"Ok then. She shouldn't be to long." He chuckle.
"Thank you." I say and starting to walk out.
"Oh and good luck tonight." I shout back. I hear him laugh.
"Thank you." He shout back. I close the door and make my way to my dads office. I walk up three flights of stairs. As I get to the top I see Jenifer. My soon to be step mother.
"Well hello there. I thought you were working. Do I have to tell your dad you slacking." She say crossing her arms.
"No I'm actually covering today. I'm also on my break so I came to see dad." I say.
"You better be." She say giving me the side eye. I roll my eyes and make my way to their office. I knock.
"Come in." I hear Ben say. I open the door.
"Hey uncle Ben." I say.
"I'm not your uncle." He chuckle. Uncle Ben was my dads childhood best friend. He's like family to us so ever since I was little I always called him uncle.
"I consider you family." I smile. He smile back at me.
"Where's dad?" I ask.
"Jenifer was looking for him to." He say looking through his paper work.
"Oh was she." I sigh. He nod.
"I think he went to talk to Jackson about the performance tonight." He say.
"I don't think he was I was just there." I shrug.
"Well I have no idea." He say.
"I'll call him in a bit. I have to get back to work." I say.
"I hope you find him." He say. Before I walk out the door.
"Thanks uncle Ben." I shout back.
"I'm not your uncle." He laugh.
"I consider you family." I shout back. I walk back down the stairs. I go to the kitchen and start on my next shift. I now have to take plates of food out to customers. I hope I get to finish up soon.

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