5) Careless

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Mallika's POV :

I slowly opened my eyes to meet different pairs of eyes looking up to me.

But where was I?

"Thank god, you're awake. I'm coming, don't move. " A familiar female voice said.

I tried to move but somebody stopped me.
A green eyed human.

"Let me help you. " He said and adjusted pillows so that I could rest my head at the headboard.

I looked over to see Sumit kaka, Rohini and Akshay bhai sitting with worried faces.

"I'm fine. " I whispered.

"Yeah, we can see that. " Bhai mocked.

"U guys worry unnecessarily. " I tried to laugh though my body was aching as hell.

"Crazy girl, have dinner and rest, we'll come tomorrow morning. We have some work. " Kaka and Rohini left.

"Where's Pri? " I asked bhai who was looking at me.

"When the lift opened, she was the first one who saw you and she got worried, and scared as hell. She started to cry, and is with dad right now. " Pri's a sensitive child, I know

"Call her. " I tell him.

"Tomorrow, not now. Have something and rest, okay? He tells me. " but-

"No ifs and buts, and from tomorrow you aren't leaving without dinner or breakfast, and no stress. I'll make sure of that. Goodnight. " He caresses my face and leaves with a sad smile.

I forgot the green eyed human who was staring at me since I opened my eyes.

I look towards my left to see him standing there.

I look around to see where am I?
This is not my apartment actually.

"This is my apartment. " He says and leans against the wall.

"How? " I ask.

"Well, you entered the lift tired, exhausted, paled face, panting heavenly and when you saw me, I greeted you but the next second you fainted. So, I had to carry you in my apartment since I didn't knew where your keys were" He tells me.

"YOU DID WHAT,? " I screamed.

"Carry you, yes you heard right Ms. Mehra and please don't overreact, you're not a feather. "

Okay, this was really embarrassing.

"Uhm, what happened to me exactly? " I asked.

"Nice question. We quickly called a doctor, who luckily stays near our block and was available at this night. He examined you, injected you something and you know what did he conclude? "

"What? " I ask

He folds his arms across his chest and eyes me accusingly. But why?

"Well, what did you eat since Morning? " He narrows his eyes to me.

"Umm... " I started to remember.
I woke up,

got late, college,

then ignoring him and SHIT.

in fact DOUBLE SHIT!

"Water? " The answer came out as an question itself and he sighs.

Before he could say anything, Kajal aunty enters.

"No excuses and just eat. And Mr. Mehra must be coming, maybe on the way. " Kajal aunty says and I choke in my food .

"WHAT? " I yell.

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