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Rui starts running towards the other group members of Wonderlands x Showtime.

"I'm sorry for coming late! Something came up and I completely forgot about rehearsal." Rui said while panting

"Don't worry! You're here and that's all that matters." Tsukasa commented with a gentle smile, clearly looking ready to start practice.

"Wonderhoy! Rui's finally here!" Emu exclaimed, with an overflow of energy as always.

"We've been waiting for quite a while. Robo-Nene may run out of battery soon." Nene nervously chuckled.

"Well, let's get to practicing I guess. We want to make the next show better than the last!" Tsukasa exclaimed.

"Rui, we've been meaning to tell you that we thought it would be a great idea to have you and Tsukasa do a duet!" Nene said with excitement.

"Yeah! Remember the song we all wrote called KING? We all decided that it would be better if just you and Tsukasa sang it hehe." Emu added.

"Fine by me! I'll make sure to do my best with Tsukasa!" Rui commented, showing a pint of excitement on his face.

"Well, it's time to start rehearsing. Nene and Emu will just help us out." Tsukasa stated, seeming ready to rehearse his lines.

They both walked up the stairs to the stage and started rehearsing.

"TSUKASA! You are not doing the dance move properly!" Emu shouted with a frustrated face.

"I'm really sorry Emu! We've been practicing for so long now, and I need a break. Even as the greatest star, I need breaks." Tsukasa complained.

"Emu, calm down. We've been practicing for 3 hours. I think it's time to end rehearsal for the day." Rui pondered, clearly looking worn out.

"Fine fine, I'll see you guys tomorrow then. Make sure to be here by 3:00 PM." Emu said, rolling her eyes.

"Ooh, we can do it at my house! My parents won't be home tomorrow." Tsukasa replies.

"Of course! I don't mind that, Tsukasa." Emu states, along with everyone else nodding their heads.

After everyone left, Rui decided to ask Tsukasa a question out of nowhere.

"Hey so Tsukasa, I was thinking we can hang out for some time. Maybe uh go get a snack together at the cafe?" Rui asked while blushing lightly.

"Is he asking me, the greatest star, on a date?" Tsukasa wondered, while listening to Rui. 

"I mean, I do want to spend some time with you, especially considering that we're going to rehearse a song together." Rui continued, still having a small amount of red showing on his face.

"I-I would l-love to join you on this "hangout" Rui." Tsukasa stuttered while having both of his cheeks practically painted in a shade of light pink.

"H-he's blushing..." Rui thought to himself. "Maybe he knows I actually asked him on a date hehe."

They start walking over to the cafe, not saying a word to each other. Both of them were stuck in their thoughts from that conversation earlier. The sky was in a perfect shade of blue, decorated with puffy clouds. Sometimes, while walking, they'd stare at each other, but without saying a word. Finally, they arrived at the cafe.

"So uh, what are you going to order at the cafe?" Rui asked, trying to make conversation.

"Hm, I'm not sure yet. I definitely want to order a milkshake as my drink, though!" Tsukasa exclaimed.

"Oh then maybe we could share one!" Rui commented.

"Did he just ask to share a drink? Isn't that like a kiss in a way?" He thought while thinking of what to order on the menu. "We're both drinking from our lips..."

"I-I- wouldn't mind..." Tsukasa commented, clearly showing an even brighter shade of red on his face.

"Yeah- I mean, it'll save money." Rui muttered, while trying to think of an excuse.

"For sure! That's great thinking, Rui, ha, ha, ha! Saving money is genius!" Tsukasa adds as he tries to play along.

"Should we order anything else?" Rui asked, staring at the menu.

"Hmm, maybe we could order some muffins? They're my favorite!" Tsukasa said excitedly.

"Of course, anything for you." Rui mumbled, without thinking twice before he said that.

"Great! It's settled." Tsukasa adds, while looking over the words that Rui said.

"By the way, you're a cute couple," the barista comments.

"U-uhm we're j-just friends." Tsukasa stuttered, clearly shown blushing.

"Whatever you say then. I personally think you guys would be better as a couple," the barista stated. "So anyways, what do you want to order?" asked the barista.

"Um anyways, can we get 1 large vanilla milkshake and a plate of blueberry muffins?" Rui states, trying to break the awkwardness.

"Blueberry?? How did he know it was my favourite? I never even told him." Tsukasa thinks, now getting lost in his head trying to answer this question.

"Of course! You guys can go sit outside in the rose garden. Your food will be there shortly," the barista replies, while preparing their order.

"They don't know it's the couples area," the barista thinks, grinning mischievously.

Rui and Tsukasa sat down and conversed for a bit, waiting for their order to arrive.

"I'm here with your order!" the barista says excitedly.

She quickly ran off and watched them through the window in secret to see what happens next.

"That was odd. Well, I guess we should start eating now." Rui stated, while holding up the straw to his mouth.

"Rui, uhhh... there's only one straw, you know. The straw that you're using right now." Tsukasa realizes. "I really want my milkshake, and there's no other way to drink it apart from using the straw because of the protective cap. Plus, I don't want to go back and ask the barista."

The barista watches the events unfold, knowing that she did this on purpose to make them use that straw together.

"O-oh... well we could still both drink out of it, if that's alright with you." Rui nervously replied, clearly having some blush on his face.

Rui put the straw in his mouth and took a sip of the milkshake.

"Tsukasa! You need to try this, it's delicious!" Rui said with excitement.

Tsukasa starts blushing and takes a sip out of the milkshake as well.

"Did I just drink out of a straw that Rui used? We practically just kissed... It's nice sharing this with him, though I wish I could actually kiss him on his lips." Tsukasa thought to himself, clearly blushing.

rui x tsukasa: unexpected awkardnessWhere stories live. Discover now