Chapter 7

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"Let me go tomorrow instead."

It's already 10 PM and Suzaine just arrived from who knows where. 

She just ignored what I said and walked past me.

"I will start looking for Reign there. I will also ask help from Harry since William will be too busy with his wife."

She stopped walking and turned around to look at me.

"No, I'll attend the wedding."

"How would we find your sister immediately if you won't let me start right away tomorrow? I thought you wanted this."

She remained her poker face.

"If my sister was still somewhere in Europe, she would've been found already. So don't get your hopes too high with your plan of starting with Wales."

"I'll be the one attending the wedding. End of discussion." She added.

Having no choice, I went straight to my room. Hopped on my bed and grabbed the telephone.

I dialed Jaciva.

"So did she agree?"

I let out a sigh before answering. "Nope."

"Well that was expected. She loves events."

"So what's your plan now?"

"Jaciva, we should start with North America instead."

"North America? How would you find Reign in a continent that huge? You don't even know her face to begin with."

"Harry is like a celebrity. I'm sure he has tons of connections. I'll ask help from him."

"Again, you don't know what Reign looks like now."

"Yeah but I do know she has a birthmark on the back right side of her hip and a small mole on her forehead."

"We can't just go around looking at people's back hip, Jane. This will be hard."

I sighed.

"The late king and queen looked for her nonstop and failed. They had a lot of connections. What makes you think you'll be successful?"

She's right. But it won't hurt if I try, right?

"Plus you'll be crowned in 3 months. You'll also have to entertain more royal consorts  next month. There's too much you need to worry."

"Hello? Jane? Still there?"

"I have a plan."

"Princess, headmaid Victoria won't be happy if she finds out about this."

"There's nothing to worry. Suzy will be back  immediately after the wedding in Wales and it won't be an issue that I'm already gone because she's already home by then if Victoria will find out."

I'm currently discussing my plans with our two maids in my room. Jaciva is preparing for my escape later.

"Please please do it for me. I promise I won't get myself in trouble."

Gotta Be YouOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora