Chapter Ch57 - Your darling hubby is very emotionally injured right now!

Start from the beginning

&#k2014;&#k2014;As Lin Feiran said these words, he became aware of two things.

The first was that he could freely speak to Gu Kaifeng now. Before, Lin Feiran could not have spoken of these things which would reveal the secrets of the underworld, but now he could.

The second was that he had been in contact with Gu Kaifeng’s bodily fluids a few moments ago, and he was hugging Gu Kaifeng now, but at this very moment, Lin Feiran could not absorb even a little bit of Yang energy. It was as if the &#k2018;human Yang energy bottle’ Gu Kaifeng’ had been sucked dry.

Lin Feiran had thought about this possibility before. Gu Kaifeng could see ghosts now, likely because of sharing Yin; he had gained half of Lin Feiran’s Yin energy. While he could still see ghosts, he probably had one foot in the underworld like Lin Feiran. Under these circumstances, it was possible that his Yang constitution did not work. Lin Feiran surmised that once the sharing of Yin energy stopped and Gu Kaifeng could no longer see ghosts, his Yang energy should also return.

“… I’m fine now, no need to cover my eyes.” After Lin Feiran had hugged Gu Kaifeng and covered his eyes for a while, Gu Kaifeng had finally calmed down, and even took the chance to pinch Lin Feiran’s bare buttocks under the blankets!

He was now completely calm!

By this time, the headless ghost’s body had quietly passed through the wall from the neighboring room and nervously picked up its head. Afraid that it would be seen by Gu Kaifeng and attacked again, it nervously bent at the waist, holding its crying head, and scurried back through the wall to the neighboring room.

Make no mistake, it was literally, hugging its head and crying bitterly. No problem.

Lin Feiran silently watched that nervous ghost, and a strange pride rose in his heart: “……”

Before, it was always me who was afraid of ghosts. Now it’s the ghosts’ turn to be afraid of my boyfriend, hmm.

“What happened just now? RanRan, have you always been able to see them?” Gu Kaifeng asked as he glanced in all directions, as if not quite believing his eyes and wanting to double check. But this hotel seemed quite ‘clean’. Aside from the headless ghost just now, there were no other ghosts in the room.

Of course, it was possible that they had been scared away by what Gu Kaifeng did just now…

Lin Feiran nodded. “I’ve had the Yin-Yang eyes since last October, since the day my grandpa died.”

“Last October?” Gu Kaifeng started remembering, too.

“That day, I took a day’s leave to go back to my old home to see my grandpa one last time. My grandpa had the Yin-Yang eyes all along, and after he passed on, he transferred the Yin-Yang eyes to me. These Yin-Yang eyes have been passed down through the Lin family for generations,” Lin Feiran explained.

Gu Kaifeng was surprised. “The power of seeing ghosts can be passed down through generations?”

How novel!

Now that Lin Feiran had confessed, he wanted to laugh too. “Right. It started with the Lin family’s ancestors. It’s said that once the bearer of the Yin-Yang Eyes from each generation passes away, the Yin-Yang Eyes will be passed to a descendant at the next opportunity. My grandpa passed it to me. Before that, I wasn’t mentally prepared at all, and didn’t even know that my grandpa had the Yin-Yang eyes. The bearer of the Yin-Yang Eyes can’t tell people without the Eyes about these things. I kept wanting to tell you that I could see ghosts, but every time the words reached my lips, I couldn’t speak them. I couldn’t write them, either. I tried everything I could. My grandpa said this might be because the mysteries of heaven can’t be revealed…”

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