Chapter 9. The power of friendship and magic.

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When Joseph marked the three altars on my map, he also marked the Wakanabi Holy Cave, where the tribe would be performing their own ritual while I took care of the wards. I made my way there, after telling Danny in no uncertain terms that he wasn't to follow me, no matter how exhilarating this all was.

Joseph, Ami, Kyra and the other members of the Wakanabi tribe were waiting for me inside the cave. The cave itself was beautiful, a shaft of light came down through a hole in the ceiling and there were lush plants everywhere. In the middle was a pool of water, dark and filled with stars, even though it was still day so it could not be a reflection.

"The wards are working again, for now," Joseph spoke, "but the sanctum of the mountain has already been breached. The enemy must be stopped. And now, we have one last chance. With the wards repaired and our family reunited, we might have the strength to help you fight him. But you need to confront him. We are mortals, while you... you are so much more.

The sword our enemy carries is both a weapon and a key, and it has become the source of all his power.

When you last confronted him you were no match for him. This time, you will go with the power of all the ages.

The wells of our forefathers have been filled. You will drink from them."

I eyed the water dubiously. I don't do drugs and I rarely drank alcohol, and I had no idea what this would do to me.

"It's perfectly safe," Ami reassured me.

My hands began to glow as I dipped them into the water.

"I think," Ami added.

I glared at her but I took a long drink anyway.

"We will channel the spirits of our ancestors to guide you, and you possess the thunder of the gods from the north to still the black waters." Joseph's voice rose exultantly, "You will wield this power, and the world will tremble beneath your feet!

But be quick, such magic won't last, and we have only one chance to right our wrongs!"

"Go team!" Kyra shouted enthusiastically. Ami shook her head.

"Sorry mom, but it really was one of those 'Go team!' moments."

I wasn't sure if drinking the water made me feel any differently, or maybe I was too nervous to feel the difference. This was going to be the last chance to stop Loki. I had to get it right this time!

Back into the mine I went, down the elevator and through the tunnel. The cave entrance was blocked by a blue shimmering ward. I could see Loki behind it driving the sword slowly into the Gaia engine. He wasn't wearing his horned helmet anymore.

I stepped through the ward without any trouble. It wasn't meant to keep me out, it was meant to keep whatever lay inside in.

I didn't say a word this time, didn't give Loki a chance to say one either. I held my hand up high and commanded "Mjolnir, to me!"

"What?!" said Loki rather inelegantly as he looked up, but Mjolnir was already hurtling towards him, hitting him square in the chest. Loki went flying, pulling the sword with him out of the floor.

Mjolnir returned to my hand, and I tossed it again.

"How did you..." Loki dodged the hammer which hit the wall of the cave instead.

I threw Mjolnir again, not wanting to give him a chance to get near me, but he gracefully dodged the hammer again.

"You have been busy since we last spoke," he growled, "You reek of primitive magics, you are soaked in it!"

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