Chap 5 - Its Time!...

Start from the beginning

Erwin: "How far the Lourians is?"

US Soldier#412: "Still on their way to the Lourian New Eastern Subjection Army Base."

Erwin: "If they attack us, tell the Russians to fire the rockets!"

US Soldier#412: "Yes sir!!!"

Kingdom of Louria, New Eastern Subjection Army Base
Lourian Army Temporal HQ

The Louria has built new base far away from the enemy lines, for the safety of the Commanders of the Operation. At the HQ, a brief were ongoing with all superiors of the forces.

Officer#11: "Sir, Three Thousand soldiers from the Capital will arrive Two hours."

Adem: "Good!"

The atmosphere on the tent is really cold, with Adem on the room, and the pressure of the war. It's clearly that the Louria began to loosing up from the war, quickly. With the Qualia and Qua-Toyne have the Mu's technologies, they too began to lose many soldiers and men power to attack them. The Air Forces couldn't sent any wyvern anymore, and the Navy has been crippled to the abyssal. And General Adem began to forcing many to work and loyal to him.

Officer#21: "Sir! Our South Forces has been annihilated!"

Adem: "WHAT?! Sent more troops to kill the enemies!!!"

Officer#21: "Yes sir!"

Adem: "How did they get the Mu's technologies?!"

-Time Skip-

Qua-Toyne Principality, Gim Airspace

Currently, the USAAF-IJAF Joint Squadrons is flying near over the Gim territory. Consisting with:

-10 P-51 Mustangs

-5 P-38 Lightings

-10 Nakajima Ki-27 "Nate"

-5 Nakajima Ki-44 Shoki "Tojo"

-12 B-17 Flying Fortress

-11 Mitsubishi Ki-21 "Sally"

Flying above to the skies, the squadrons were sent to the Gim Air Base for bombarding mission upon the Louria territory. This is the first Bomber Squadron to be sent on Gim, soon the German Luftwaffe and British RAF bomber squadron will arrive, next French is Armée de l'Air and Italia Regia Aeronautica, and following weeks is Russian Voyenno-Vozdushnyye Sily.

On board of one of the P-51 Mustang, there's Captain Mickael Jameswood of the USAAF Bomber Escort Squadron. And on board of one of the Nakajima Ki-21 "Nate", there's Captain Okazaki Hiroyuki of IJAF Bomber Escort Squadron.

Mickael: "Alright boys! We've arrive on Gim Airspace, soon we will arrive at Gim Air Base!"

Hiroyuki: "Minasan, yoshi! Gimu kūiki ni tōchaku shimashita. Mamonaku gimu kūgun kichi ni tōchaku shimasu!"
(Alright everyone! We've arrive on Gim Airspace, soon we will arrive at Gim Air Base!)

They finally arrive above of City of Gim and began to heading to the Gim Air Base.

Mickael: "Gim Tower! This is the USAAF-IJAF Joint Squadron, permission to land."

Gim Tower Communicators
G.T.C: "[This is Gim Tower, you permission to land. USAAF-IJAF Joint Squadron.]"

After communicating the Gim Tower on Gim Air Base, the Squadron began to land on the base.

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