Chapter 1 The Begining

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"Come on I..this way!"

"I can only go so fast!*Omph*"

"Hey I stopped why did you run into me?!"


"Never mind come on they finally found a new Alpha!"


"Yeah the leader of our pack! Your Uncle was the Alpha until he and the Luna got killed by...."

"By who?"

"Your dad."


*My dad was always being whispered about around the pack being a deserter and leaving my mom and the pack. My mom died giving birth to me so I am left without a family so to speak of.*

"Come on that doesn't matter tho I.."

*My best friend grabbed my 2 year old hand and drug me along with her. Rachel was 7 and I was 2 but we still got along pretty well.*

"Wow so it looks like Betta Jhon is finally old enough to be the Alpha! He looks so strong up there!"

"He does?"

"Yeah you have a clear view of him you should be able to see him."

"Everything is just black to me."

"Really? Its pretty bright out here. Oh look Alpha Jhon is coming over here."

*I waited patiently then the new Alpha,Alpha Jhon knelt in front of us.*

"Hello girls, I couldn't help but overhear you two talking, you said everything was black to you I..?"


"Can you look at me?"

*I turned my head up at my estimate to where Alpha Jhon was.*

"Your blind."

*Alpha Jhon had venom in his voice and it scared me.The already frigged winter air got colder when Alpha Jhon said that.*

"Is that a problem?"

"Yes very, you are a weak link weaker than the elders and injure,therefore you are no longer part of my pack."

*Those words struck me hard and painfully.*

"James take her away from this pack and burn her feet so she can't get back here and leave her in the woods."

"Yes Alpha."

*I felt arms grab my small two year old body and take me over to the silversmith. I was squirming trying to escape but to no avail. My senses were already heightened so pain was even worse. If you have ever been burned by something hot you know that pain, but apply it to the most sensitive part of your body and multiply it by 100 and you get what I felt.*

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh STOP, STOP IT HURTS!!!!"

*I could smell a acid smell and iron and burned flesh I was carried far away from the pack and dropped off in the woods far from our territory by now I felt so dizzy from pain everything else was oblivious to me when I felt the snow hit my feet it both felt good and hurt like hell! *

"Good luck with your short life."

*That was the last thing I heard before I was lost to oblivion. When I woke I was up next to something warm,fuzzy, and soft. It was licking me also! My heart sped up and I stiffened, but the creature kept on licking me comfortingly. I finally, relaxed after awhile and let the creature lick me. I still didn't know what it was, but it kinda smelled like the woods and had a bloody smell to it . I heard a howl outside that came from what I knew as a wolf and I became scarred, but what happened next nearly had me piss myself. The creature howled back! I was in a wolf den! At least I sorta had a good life. I went to crawl away, but as I tried to stand my scorched feet opened back up and started to gush blood and I fell down in pain.*


*Tears were flowing down my face freely and the mother wolf went and started to lick my tears away them used her warm tong to try and close my open and fresh wound. It hurt at first when her tong touched my wound, but shortly after it felt nice and it made my wound feel better. Once the mother wolf was done she crawled back up to me and tucked me close to her body and I fell asleep listening to her heartbeat. I had never had a mother, but this, this was my mom now.*

*I awoke the next day with a start I felt more warm bodies around me some growling some squirming and some licking me awake. The growling had me worried, but I didn't show it. Finally, the growling stopped and the cave became silent. The Alpha in this pack came over to me and sniffed me thoroughly he inspected me to see if I was a threat and he came to the conclusion I wasn't and bit, what would be the scruff of my neck lightly in acknowledgement I wasn't a threat then went to a different part of the cave and laid down. The squirming bodies came bounding over to me and started to pull on what little cloths I had left and pulled them off leaving me bare. They started to jump all over me pulling on my hair and ears and demanding to play. I still hurt from the scorching and I tried once again to stand, but I couldn't. I crouched back down and cautiously started to crawl over to the wolf pups. They were delighted to have a new friend and playmate and after awhile they begun to understand I was injured and eased up on the roughhousing. I had been scorned by my old pack, but came to find a family amoungst the wolves my new family,a family that will except me.*

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