You looked around, waiting for somebody else, but you only saw Mikasa stealthily slip in front of your view. That's when you heard steps coming your way. You aimed your gun at the noise, shooting as soon as you saw blue.

It was Eren.

His brows pinched in befuddlement. He looked down at his dimmed vest then up at you giggling as you ran back down.

"I'm so beating your ass!" you heard the boy yell.

You rounded a corner as you ran down the ramp, shooting Reiner without hesitation. "What the hell!"

You laughed a maniacal laugh again as you dashed off. You knew Eren was probably after you, so you tried to go as deep into the maze as possible. He was out for blood and so were you.

"Annie! Wait! Let's talk this out!" you could hear Marco cry from somewhere else in the maze.

You closed your eyes when you heard a dramatic zap after that. Marco was now a fallen soldier. How many more soldiers of the blue team were falling exactly?

You ran past Mikasa who you shared an evil smirk with. That's when you both heard footsteps, you aimed your lasers at whoever it was, only to be met by Eren and Armin.

"Ha!" you laughed when both of their lights faded.

Five seconds were a lot quicker than you expected because they had already regenerated. Eren grinned a toothy grin and shot at you. You gasped when your red light dropped.

Mikasa still wasn't hit somehow, and when you were back, you shot them both down again. You and her ran off in different directions before they could recuperate. As you ran past Reiner again, you shot him like it was nothing.

"How are you so good?" Reiner exasperatedly quizzed.

You laughed, "I just am!" You almost bumped into Bertholdt who you, no surprise here, also shot down.

"Where do you keep coming from? You got me twice already," the tall brunette breathed.

You quietly tip toed, seeing Armin waiting for someone to show up so he could shoot them. He had no clue you were a mere few feet behind him as he kept his gun at the ready, still facing forward.

You shot at him and he didn't even realize he got shot down. He stood there oblivious that he had respawned again. It was when you shot him a second time, he realized he was attacked. Nevertheless, he kept peering left and right. No thought of looking behind him seemed to dwell in his mind.

You shot again and again and Armin looked as confused as ever. A twist in the game happened when Eren popped up ahead of his blonde best friend and pointed his gun at you, "I'm taking you down."

You choked out a laugh before getting into an all-out battle with him, shooting from a distance and quickly using parts of the maze to hide behind for cover. You got hit once but somehow, also landed one on the blood thirsty boy.

As you laughed while battling, you, Eren, and Armin all lost control of your guns, your vests dimming down and refusing to let you continue.

"This marks the end of the game," the speakers boomed. "Please return to the exit to see who won the game on the scoreboard."

You three were out of breath as you headed over to where you could see the red exit sign. Everyone was just as breathless and sweaty; those twenty minutes had felt revolutionary. Almost like you all came out as new people.

You stood next to Armin, Eren on his other side as you waited for everyone to come back in. Once everyone was, the employee said, "Great game! The results are on the screen. And it looks like Hot Sushi Bitches won by a landslide!"

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